Chapter 3

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*3rd Person POV*

"That about wraps everything up...I'm surprised we're able to get 2 lessons done"

Kirisu neatly stacked the textbooks and set it aside before standing up from her seat.

"Alright,It's lunch time Y/N kun,you're free for a whole hour"

Y/N lazily stood from his seat then he stretched.

"That was a waste of time,Sensei"

"It's not a waste of time if it helps you"

"I could be destroying an enemy organization right now!!" the Supreme Leader whined and pouted

"Yet here you are...are you somehow enjoying these sessions of ours?"

"Of course!" Y/N's tone suddenly changed
"I would give anything just so I could spend time with my precious Kirisu Sensei!!"
He cheered with a big grin

Kirisu,not letting her embarrassment get the best of her,cleared her throat and...

"That's a lie,right?"

"Nishishi~ Who can say??"

There's nothing she can really say about this,he tends to do this kind of thing from time to time in an effort to confuse and toy with her.

It can't be helped that it's so annoying though,but if she were to earn this liar's trust,she'll need alot of patience

"Would it kill you to tell the truth atleast once?"

"Yep! It would! Believe it or not,I was actually a test subject of an evil scientist! And he made it so that I could only tell lies! If I told the truth then my brain would force my other organs to shut down!"

"That was just plain immature..."

"Your FACE is immature! YEEEEEEEET!!"
Y/N dabbed and ran out of the room.

Kirisu just facepalmed and tidied up the room abit while knocking some books here and there due to her clumsiness.

"That boy...*huff*"

Once she finished,she made her way towards to the faculty room for her to have lunch.

While she was setting up her lunch box a co-teacher approached her.

"Hello there,Ms. Kirisu"

"Hi,is there something you need?"

"Just here to say hello and ask how're things with the stupid gremlin"


"Yeah! That kid you're teaching! The one responsible for the incident last month"

"You mean Y/N kun?"

"You use honorifics on him?? He isn't worth it y'know?"

"I don't understand,what's this all about? Why are you disrespecting a student like that?" Kirisu was shocked at how her co-teacher just straight up insulted and disrespected her student.

"Why? Simple. He deserves it,everything bad that happened to this school,happened because of him,besides! Everyone agrees too! Even the Students!"

This teacher's's so childish...maybe that's why Y/N lied so much,everyone was against him,even the teachers who's duty is to guide and help students.

Now she understands why he was so suspicious about her trying to help him...

"Now do you understand why?"

"I understand,but the reason as to why? It's...atrocious,disgusting even..." Kirisu gave the teacher a stern look "You fail your job as a teacher for encouraging others to gang up on a lone,helpless student..."

Mafuyu Kirisu x Liar!M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now