Chapter 9

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*3rd Person POV*

"You know I don't like it when you're gone for too long..."

"I know...but we're going to have a meeting,and since you're my student I'm especially needed there"

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"They just want to know how we're doing,and the sooner I relay some info on our progress the sooner they'll stop trying to stick their nose in our business"

"You're doing all of this....just to prevent them from interfering...?"

"Of course,it's what you'd want too...right?"

Y/N's expression blanked for a good moment before he was back to his regular cheery self.

"Nishishi~ Well,do what you want! I don't really care...but you could atleast not leave me with these bozos"
Y/N pointed and harshly criticized Nariyuki Yuiga and his friends.

"Well,Furuhashi chan may be tolerable,but that doesn't mean things are alright"
He added while crossing his arm,visibly annoyed.

"Y/N kun. Be kind. They're my students too,if you find it hard to be kind,then atleast avoid saying unecessary hurtful things towards them"

"I don't see the difference"

"Ugh...look,I don't have much time,but if you're able to not cause too much trouble then we'll have soda after school,is that alright?"

"Fine. But you better hurry back..."

"You know that I can't stay silent for too long

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"You know that I can't stay silent for too long..."

"I will"

And with that she left for the teacher's meeting,she felt uneasy leaving Y/N in Yuiga's hands,but all her focus needs to be on that meeting,so she can't be distracted by uncertainty.

The poor teacher was still unaware of Y/N's hatred for Yuiga,then again,only the two of them know about it.

Yuiga didn't wanna day no to Kirisu since he knows how important meetings are,and knowing that handful student of hers,she won't be able to focus.

But it seems like Furuhashi and him know each other,she's nice enough to chat with him with a carefree smile.

Y/N was still taken aback by how naive and kind this girl is,but he isn't really complaining.

He mostly stuck with her and chatted with her the most,the unwelcomed looks the others were giving are an obvious sign that they don't like him.

"Be careful Furuhashi chan~ those are some pretty intimidating math questions"
Y/N snickered beside the tensed up Furuhashi.

"I-I got this! These are only polynomials after all"
She answered with a squeak.

"Hehehe,well then...go ahead"

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