Chapter 10

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*3rd Person POV*

Another morning...Kirisu sat on her desk at the faculty room,she was the first teacher there since she woke up earlier than her alarm and decided to just go to school early.

She felt abit uneasy because of what happened yesterday,she shouldn't have really lied to Y/N,but she also didn't want to give him any problems,so Kirisu decided to try and find out who the people responsible were by herself.

And if she's lucky,maybe the truth about the whole incident too...

Teachers slowly began to fill up the room,they seem to be distressed,she wonders why?

But that thought was soon smothered when she saw the was time for her daily classes with Y/N.

She walked the long hallways of the school,which was quiet for some reason,students usually piled up here until classes start,but they were nowhere to be found.


Once she arrived at their classroom,she slowly opened the door,and as expected,The leader of evil was there...though he wore a strange cap and a long cape that screamed "LEADER UNIFORM"

"Goodmorning,Y/N kun"

"Mornin' Sensei..."

She sat down her chair and got out the textbooks,it was abit awkward because of yesterday,but neither of them really tried to bring it up,so she continued to teach as usual,which went on for 2 hours or so.

Y/N was unusually quiet,and his face is devoid of any smile,just a stern expression.

His arms were crossed and he gave off kind of like an authoritive figure kind of vibe.

"As you can see in this figu-"

"Sensei,can we talk?"

"Not now,Y/N kun,I'm discuss-"

"This is important"

The seriousness in his voice made her nod and agree to his request since it must be really important for him to be this serious about it.

Then again,he's also a liar...

"Well,what is it?"

"I know you're trying to find the culprits of what happened yesterday,as well as what really happened in the past incident..." he bluntly stated before checking his fingernails "I've known for awhile and was waiting for you to talk to me about it,but seeing as you have no intentions in letting me know and solving it by yourself,I decided to personally tell you...well not like anyone else could tell pull out on this case "

'Huh?' did...did she just hear him right?

"W-Wait,Y/N kun,what're you talking about?"

"Don't lie. You'll make it worse"

"I...I can't just let any of those responsible loose! What if it happens to the others?!"

"I assure you it won't happen to anyone else,not even you,but don't try to take this case anymore,and..." Kirisu could see Y/N bite his lower lip before continuing.

"Don't try to come and find me too"

' he trying to say...?'

Kirisu was visibly upset with what left
Y/N's mouth..

"B-But,I have to do this! As a teacher,I need-"

"Sensei,tell me you're going to drop this case and never touch it again..."

"Y/N kun,I-"



"I want to hear it from you..."

Mafuyu Kirisu x Liar!M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now