Chapter 6

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*3rd Person POV*

"I wonder where is Y/N kun? He's never been this late before..."

9am...classes started on 7am and Y/N still hasn't shown himself.

He's usually the first to show up,Kirisu would always be met with an enthusiastic Y/N saying "Goodmorning!!" and then being hugged by him.

But now the morning gestures that she was grown to be fond of were not there to meet her,so this has already gotten her thinking,she decided to wait there a little longer but 2 hours was probably enough for her.

She sighed and stood up from her seat,Kirisu deduced that Y/N might be absent today,she had already began fixing the textbooks there when the sliding door suddenly opened.

"Yaaaa! Sorry I was late sensei! My bed was calling me to stay!"

"Tardiness isn't usually tolerated,Y/N kun."

"I know I know! But what can you do against the pillow forces? Even I am powerless to it!"

Kirisu took a good look at Y/N and something about him just seemed....odd.

His scarf seemed to be more snug revealing little to none of his neck,the straps on his wrists and elbows were tightened,and his hair was messier than usual.

"Y/N kun,you look horrible."

"How rude! I made an effort to be here just so I can see my beloved Kirisu Sensei and this is what I get?!"

"Excuse my rudeness then." she approached the pouting boy and fixed up his hair.


"Atleast let me fix your hair,I still can't believe it can be messier than it usually is"

As Kirisu went to make his hair look more presentable,she grazed below his right eye,Y/N winced and pulled away,shocking the teacher.

"Y/N kun...what was that?"

"I just don't like people touching my hair,Sensei! It's like you're intruding my privacy!"

That was a complete lie,Kirisu has petted
Y/N countless times and he seemed to enjoy all of them,but now he's avoiding it like it'd kill him.

"Anyway,I think it's time we get started dont'cha think? We've already wasted enough time as is"

And he's eager to learn now? There must be something going on.

Kirisu pondered on what that might be,this boy is so good at lying and hiding his feelings that it's nearly impossible to figure him out.

Finding no way to get him to talk,she decided to let it go,for now.

"Alright then,let's get started."

3 hours had passed since and...

Y/N paid attention all the way,he didn't make jokes or made fun of Kirisu,he just kept looking at her from time to time.

Kirisu didn't know that Y/N would look at her,but it's unnerving that he hasn't made any snarky remarks.

"Y/N everything alright?"

"Huh? Of course everything's alright,why wouldn't be alright? Is there something I don't know?"

"Just wanted to make sure"

"Awww,you're worried about me? How sweet!"

Oh,noooww he does that.

"It'd be natural for me to worry about you,you're my student...and friend,how many times must I tell you?"

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