Chapter 8

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*3rd Person POV*

"Are you sure there aren't any more?"

"No,that's enough,Sensei"

Y/N swayed his legs up and down as he sat on the bed at the infirmary.

Kirisu managed to convince Y/N to atleast add some menthol pads on the other bruises he hid.

Surpisingly,Y/N complied without fighting too much,but he made sure to embarrass Kirisu while she's at it.


"Alright,Y/N kun,I'm gonna roll up your sleeves"

"Sure thing! But be careful!"

"I will"

Once she made it to his rather skinny bicep,Y/N made a loud moan.

"A-Ah~! Sensei~ don't be so rough!"

"Y/N kun!!"

"Nishish- Ow! Ow!"

Kirisu added the menthol pad and pressed on it with excessive force.

"It's just to make sure it sticks well"


Y/N fixed his sleeve as Kirisu rolled up the other one until it was past his shoulder.

She carefully wiped it with cotton and alcohol before adding the pad.

"Pffft-" she saw Y/N stifle a laugh

"Is something funny?"

"Nothing at all!"


Then Y/N fixed the other sleeve!

"Are there any more?"

"Nope! There aren't any more!"

Kirisu was about to put away the stuff she used until she remembered the part where he winced after her finger grazed near his eye..

The teacher carefully reached for the spot under his eye and brushed it softly..


Another bruise rested above his cheek,Y/N could only smile and look to the side knowing his Kirisu's probably gonna give him a mouthful for this.

Instead,he could see how worried she is,her eyes were easy to read since she is a fairly honest person.

"Y/N kun...I want to know who did this to you..."

"Oh you know...Supreme Leader work,I'm bound to get hurt at the job I'm doing"

"Do you plan to keep lying to me?"



"Ah-hahahaha! It's a secret organization Kirisu Sensei! I can't tell you what I do there! You're not a member! Unless...."

Y/N tilted his head as if asking her a question,and he definitely is.

"No thanks."

"Aww,it would've been awesome to have you in my organization,but oh well!"

His expression of disappointment isn't really convincing.

Kirisu cleaned the bruise then added the menthol pad as painless as she could.


*flashback end*

"Next time,I prefer you not to hide this from me"

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