Chapter 2

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*3rd Person POV*

A week had already passed,and Kirisu still had no progress with her student,Y/N.

He refused to open up at any cost,even going as far as to lie about killing his whole family,only to change and claim it was just his brother that he killed.

She was getting stressed out,and Nariyuki Yuiga was noticing her signs of struggle.

"Is something the matter,Sensei?"

"Ah,it's nothing of importance"

"If it's getting you all worked up,then that means it's something to be quite bothersome,right?"

"It's not really bothersome...just difficult"

"Would you like to talk about it?"

She thought about it for a moment,she convinced herself to tell Yuiga about this situation that she's experiencing,if anyone can help her,it's him.

"Well,I volunteered to teach this student for all of his subjects,'s proven to be quite difficult so far"

"What's this student's name?"


Yuiga felt fear overtake him,that accursed name that his classmates usually link to the devil himself,or the jester of evil.

He heard of the incident that occurred last month because of the boy with the same name,after that he also became one of those who feared him.

But he didn't despise him,since Y/N didn't give him enough of a reason for Yuiga to loathe the boy. Even if he was the one who blew up the laboratory claiming he was just inflicting vengeance.

That wasn't even the incident that occurred last month...that incident was far more destructive and terrifying.

A display of his malice and insanity.

Or so they said,Yuiga found it suspicious how the staff was trying to hide the crime scene from everyone,and everything conveniently linked to Y/N.

It was so convenient that here were no other evidence that points to other people being there,despite some of the students claiming they saw the whole thing.

Sounds fishy,am I right?

Back to the topic,Kirisu noticed Yuiga's change in expression and sighed.

"Are you afraid of him too?"

"A little..."

"I don't blame you,most people either avoid or plot behind his back,it's why I volunteered to teach him in the first place,his classmates wouldn't welcome him back"

Kirisu took a sip from her tea before continuing.

"But that isn't why I'm stressed out,he is a liar,and a good one,he's also great at confusing and getting me off topic,which I admit took skill to get out off...I can never finish a lesson with him,and that's what's hard"

"You want him to pass this year so he could graduate,right Sensei?"

Kirisu nodded and looked at the tea in front of her.

"I just don't know how could I get him to take this seriously..."

"Perhaps you could try to approach him differently?"


"Like,try to communicate and treat him as a friend rather than just a student,we all know he's untrusting,so why not give him a reason to trust? Maybe then will you get him to succeed"

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