Chapter 21

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[3rd Person POV]

After-school had just arrived, after a whole day of planning for the Cultural Festival, Kirisu is quite tired after a long day.

All she wanted to do right now is go straight home and take a warm shower and have a meal...

...but fate seems to have other plans for her.

Her home is quite far from the school, and she has forgotten to refuel her car the day before, so she was forced to walk home.

This was one of the things that she's currently upset about, adding to her main problems, which is: Y/N's disappearance.

Thinking about that subject has her stopping in her tracks for a few moments, only continuing when she notices that she has, indeed, stopped.

She accessed her phone to look for any messages from Y/N, only to find nothing.

Currently, she has called him 47 times, and texted him 24 messages...he hasn't replied or even read any single one of them, and that doesn't even include the 2 days after he disappeared.

A sad gaze was all she gave upon looking at the logs of calls and messages, what happened to him?

'Just when everything's finally turning out okay...' Kirisu thought to herself as she sighed, she's definitely scolding him the next time they meet.

He'd probably say something along the lines of...

"I was actually kidnapped by a random organization! But I killed them all, so no need to worry! Unless... that's a lie...?"


"Heeeeee~? Kirisu Sensei's worried about me~? I guess you really do love me after a-"

Kirisu pinched her own cheeks at the thought, even in her own mind, Y/N manages to tease and fluster her.

Though, he really isn't at fault this time, it's hers...

Her conflicted heart is fighting so hard to keep the distance because of her teacher and student relationship, but damn it does Y/N make it so hard to accomplish,

It's almost as if he's...

...doing it intentionally...?

Then it hit her.

'What if he is?!'
She thinks to herself with a faint blush on her cheeks 'But...'

'... he's aware of that rule, right?'

'Y/N kun also seems like the type of person to break that rule matter what I tell him.'

'Does it really mean that he's...?!'

Kirisu's blush grew brighter and brighter the longer her thoughts lingered around the topic of
Y/N's feelings.

'No, no...don't jump to conclusions, being flustered like this is definitely something Y/N kun would've wanted me to do! I have to think properly, pick up every detail, only then can I really determine what he's feeling!'

The teacher nodded to herself and did a little fist pump as to express her determination.

"I need to find him first though." Kirisu muttered to herself "Y/N kun's very good in hiding himself, so he could be anywhere right about no-"


[A few hours earlier]

Y/N lied down in the middle of his room, staring into the darkness that covered his ceiling.

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