Chapter 19

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[3rd Person POV]

Aaaahhh, it's the dreaded exam day...

Kirisu has been on edge since the time they stepped foot into the school premises.

Right now, she's inside the faculty room, assessing the exam papers she'll be giving Y/N...

"Miss Kirisu, I need to talk to you regarding Mr. Y/N's exams..."
The headmaster suddenly entered the faculty room, surprising her, and many teachers in the process.

Y/N didn't know that mid-terms had passed a long time ago, Summer Vacation even passed without Y/N ever finding out about the mid-term exams.

At the time, Y/N's still the liar who absolutely refuses to trust and depend on anyone, that was way back when Kirisu has yet to build a relationship with him.

Or... that's what she thought...

In Y/N's case, he knew that he wasn't told about the mid-terms, he just decided to pretend that he didn't notice 'cuz he didn't wanna take it anyway, he doesn't care what happens to him and his studies back then, nor does he care about being held back a year...

...but now, the story's the different, he has something to prove, something to achieve.

If he's ever gonna make Kirisu Sensei fall in love with him, he's gonna need to make her proud first!

He's already able to fluster her, make her laugh, worried, and he's also able to take care of, making her proud of him is the next thing on his objectives!

While it looked like he doesn't care about the exams, he actually worked hard for it, j-just not in front of Kirisu or anybody though, that'd be too embarrassing, atleast for him.

He utilized his ability to easily stay up at night for multiple days and not get tired in order to study everything Kirisu taught him and some things he suspects are gonna he in the exams, just in case the school decides to f#ck him over and gives him exams about different lessons.

He, now, waits in his and Kirisu's classroom, balancing a pen on his upper-lip as he did so, it had been 15m since he entered the classroom and is currently recalling all the things he studied, which, thankfully, is still inside his head.

'I wonder if I can place higher than Yuiga chan? Probably not, but that'd be something that'd surprise, Sensei, huh?'
He thought as a blush spread across his cheeks.

Thinking about Kirisu being surprised at his grades and her later reactions to it brings a smile to his face.

About 5 more minutes of waiting, the door was opened by...


"Hello, Y/N."
The headmaster spoke in a tone that meant he's friendly.

"I must be a celebrity or something, since you took the time off just to visit lil' ol me?"

"A celebrity, you are... though not something I would be proud of."

"Heh. You might be right about that."

The headmaster would've taken a seat on Kirisu's chair, but Y/N rested his leg there, stopping the headmaster.

"Sorry, only Kirisu Sensei gets to sit here. You can grab another one though!"
Said Y/N with a smile.

The headmaster sighed and did as told, since he doesn't want to waste time in arguing with Y/N, knowing his attitude.

"So, why are you here?"
Y/N asked directly.

"I will be the one to oversee you taking the exam, It is at the other teacher's request since they think that Miss Kirisu and You would cheat."

"Heeeee? Can I, somehow, have the names of those teachers??"

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