Chapter 15

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[3rd Person POV]

'Ah, damn it...I worked all night and now I feel really tired...'

Kirisu's currently in the Faculty Room, Y/N had disappeared once again, but he left a little note this time.

"Only for today, Sensei! Be back later! xoxo!" it said.

She doesn't really have any power to stop him nor does she have the will to do so.

All she wanted is to pass out right now and fall into a deep slumber, but her wanting to maintain her responsible image was keeping her from taking even the smallest of breaks.

Later she would go teach in Yuiga's class, which was also Y/N's old classroom before he was forced to move out, and she prays she doesn't embarrass herself there.

'I can do this...'

She said with those tired eyes of times like this, she wondered...

"What would Y/N do?"

Would he laugh at her? Tease her?

She pushed these thoughts in the back of her mind and stood from her seat.

Moving around would do her great as she can keep her mind active and from passing out.

But...throughout the day, she had a resting glare on her was unintentional as Kirisu is extremely tired and isn't putting any effort on her facial expressions.

The time soon came where she had to teach in Yuiga's class, she had already announced a quiz yesterday since Y/N called for a half day and split, he was acting strange ever since yesterday.

Anyway, during the quiz, she was glaring at everyone and letting out a very scary aura, one that's very similar to Y/N's when he gets mad, there's also her own scary face.

Furuhashi knows Sensei was mad at her for accidentally falling asleep yesterday whilst she was announcing the quiz, and is thinking that's the reason she was glaring.

Not too long though, soon enough, she accidentally fell asleep.

Then she suddenly leaned too far back and hit her head on the board, which prompted her to seat back up and acted like nothing happened whilst internally wishing nobody had noticed that...she pinched her cheek too in order to wake herself up.

Everyone noticed that mess-up and Yuiga found out she was asleep, it made sense to him as she usually isn't like that.

The day was just being a jerk to our beloved Sensei.

Then came where she was notified about an afternoon event whilst she was eating...ah, another obstacle to overcome.

She isn't looking forward to this at no...

But she has to do it if she wants the other students to maintain their respect for her.

She left for the restroom to wash her face in order to let her wake up a little, and when she came back to the teacher's room, a little note with a chibi drawing of Y/N's face was on her desk.

Kirisu hurriedly checked the letter, temporarily forgetting about her drowsiness. Upon opening the letter, her expression became disappointed.

"Sensei! I'm sorry, but...I don't think we can walk home together later. I'll stop by at your house though! xoxo -Supreme Leader of Evil♥"

She sighed and set the note aside, so she'll be walking all alone later, huh? She hopes she doesn't pass out whilst walking to her home, it's not like there're any more problems ahead anyways...(coughyourkeyscough)

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