Chapter 18

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[3rd Person POV]

"Ueeeeehhh..... even in a day like this...where there're no classes, you're still making me study..."

Y/N stretched his arms and legs as he bent forward until his chin rested on the table they were using.

Kirisu had invited Y/N to her apartment in order to give him lessons, the school had just announced a suspension of classes due to the Electric Supply and backup Generators being tampered with by an unknown culprit.

Whoever is responsible is anyone's guess.

"We can't afford to miss a day without classes, so not even suspensions can save you from learning, Y/N kun."

"You sound like a much more evil villain than me. Forcing a student to study during class suspensions is indeed, one of, if not, the most torturous thing you could to someone who hates something such as myself."

"Fufufu~ I can be rather, villainous at times, especially if I'm with the Supreme Leader of Evil for so long, I'm bound to learn something."

Kirisu gained a small grin, obviously joking with the whining liar.

Y/N didn't expect this and was just staring at her with wide eyes and a slightly opened mouth.

Due to the sudden silence, Kirisu's cheeks turned bright red as she smacked the table with her right hand and began to sputter out some words to Y/N.


'K-Kawaii(Cute)....' Y/N thought to himself before promptly going back to his studies.

As much as he wanted to tease her then and there, the adorableness was too much to take in and he needed a moment to compose himself, luckily, the opportunity to turn back to his studies presented itself to him.

He wanted to take a picture of her being flustered like that so, so bad!

Y/N quietly read the books he has, he isn't really registering any of what the books are saying, he just turned pages after a few minutes of reading, pretending he understood any of the crap stored there.

While Y/N pretended, Kirisu watched, proud that her student decided to take this seriously.

She allowed herself a small smile, since Y/N wouldn't be able to see her do so because of his head facing the books.

The teacher remembers the time they first met...

Kirisu used to work so hard into making him trust her, and now? They're practically inseparabale.

She may not admit it, but she has grown to be a little attached to the boy, since she spent most of her time with him than any student, Yuiga coming in a far second. She also likes the atmosphere inside her apartment if Y/N was there with her, it's much more lively and bright compared to when she's alone.

She made sure Y/N would always feel welcome about stopping by, even if it's him breaking in just for fun.

Well, she knows it's him, he gives cues if he's the one breaking, as stated on an earlier chapter, and sometimes, Kirisu even locks it again when Y/N finally achieves to open it, leaving him to start over again and again until he complains, to which Kirisu will giggle at silently.

She's learned alot from Y/N, which she also thinks it's ironic since she's the teacher here. Kirisu has grown more observant about things, and can tell what someone else is feeling by their mannerisms and facial expressions, the only one she can't apply this on is Y/N himself.

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