lxxxii. | the key to transcendence

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FALO WAS ON her knees when she opened her eyes. She was in a totally unfamiliar setting. It was all white, it made her realize why the disciples wore all white when they weren't in armor. They were only copying their layout to completely match, to look organized, to seem stable and not so wicked to anyone they caught.

Surrounding her were disciples left and right. In the middle of all of them was Bill Cadogan, a shocked and surprised expression plastered onto his face. He certainly didn't expect her, especially since Sheidheda showed up without her and Madi minutes ago.

The disciples raised their guns at her. Falo raised her arms above her head. They grabbed her arm and shoved her to her feet. Cadogan raised one hand. "Don't hurt her." he ordered his men. "Did you come willingly after Shiedheda left?"

Falo clenched her jaw. "No."

"If not Sheidheda, then who?" he asked her a simple question. He was extremely curious.

"Madi," she stared at him. "She has nothing to do with the Flame, what you call the key. She never bore it. I was the one who did for centuries before it was taken out and destroyed by Gabriel." she explained.

Cadogan nodded.

"I don't want her harmed. I don't want anyone harmed. I don't want a needless war to begin. You have me in your grasp now. You don't need Madi. You only need me. So, leave them alone. Let them live," she dropped her arms to her sides. "Do I have your word?"

"You do." he nodded.

"Okay." she whispered. "I will do whatever you need me to do for you to find what you're seeking."

He cracked a smile.

What she didn't know was that two certain people would be joining her here in a little while. One specific person would be right behind her, while the other would be hours behind.


BILL SHOWED FALO to a whitened room. It was finely polished. There was a chair, a table, a large screen next to the chair, and a man standing in the room with a weird headset on. Falo wondered where they obtained such technology when Bill left everything behind in the Second Dawn bunker. It must've took them centuries to build such things.

She walked inside the room. Her eyes wandering every corner of the place. She was so thrilled to find out what happened next. She simply couldn't wait. But if she were being honest, that was a lie. She was undeniably frightened. Madi forced her hand by putting her here, and now she could die for all she knew.

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