xiii. | the power of riots

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FALO LOOKED BEHIND HER AS SHE SAW A BUNCH OF GUARDS SURROUNDING A MAN, who had his arms pinned behind his back in an uncomfortable way.

They opened up the door and undid his binding before they threw him inside, all while he winced in pain.

The guards threw him into the room harshly, slamming the door as fast as they could the moment they put him inside.

Lincoln and Falo jumped up to their feet, their eyes wide as they slowly approached the man, who looked vaguely familiar, she couldn't quite place a name on his face since she couldn't exactly remember his name.

The man dropped his voice to a whisper as Falo crossed her arms. "Locking their own up now."

"What'd you do to get in here, Sinclair?" Lincoln questioned, his arms also crossed.

Sinclair. That was his name. She knew he was familiar, he was the man who was with Raven when Azgeda betrayed the coalition and attacked Mount Weather they blew it up after Raven and Sinclair escaped.

"Whatever it took," Sinclair shrugged, looking between the pair. "I've got a message for you both from Kane," Falo looked up to meet his gaze as he glanced once again between her and Lincoln. "Get ready. Tonight's a go."

Sinclair then walked off and sat down in front of the wall beside the door as Falo and Lincoln exchanged looks.

Falo smirked and nodded, heading off to the sick.

Tonight, they were gonna create the distraction in order for Kane to kill Pike.


Sinclair paced back and forth in front of the door, occasionally glancing back at Falo and Lincoln.

Falo sat not too far away from Sinclaur, giving him and the guards outside the nastiest of looks, her eyes burning with hatred and anger.

Lincoln was tending to one of the sick, glancing up once he saw Bellamy outside of the glass walls they were trapped inside of.

His face had been pretty beat up from Falo, he had a black eye, his cheek and eyelid was scraped open from her knuckles and he had a cut on his swollen nose.

Bellamy walked up to the other side of the door, glaring at Sinclair, who stood at the door. "You got something to say?" Bellamy questioned Sinclair.

"What do you wanna know?" Sinclair asked.


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