xi. | "i cant let you start a war"

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FALO STOOD BESIDE LINCOLN, her arms crossed as a man Lincoln called Pike started a speech before them for the memorial of those who died at Mount Weather.

A whole crowd was also before Pike as his eyes scanned over the crowd, looking at a person every so often.

Falo felt uncomfortable standing here, she felt like she was out of place, like she didn't belong here as she showed fake sympathy, she didn't know any of these people.

"All that's certain is we die," Pike said, his voice was concerned and sympathetic. "How we die, is up to us."

Falo looked at Lincoln, who had just now crossed his arms like she did. He looked at her, too.

"Who will speak for Iris Jones?" Pike asked.

A man Lincoln called Bryan shakily got up to his feet, releasing another man's hand who was named Miller. He walked to the front of the room, fiddling with a piece of paper.

"Iris was strong," Bryan said, his voice wavering. "Good with a knife. She saved my life. I'm just sorry I couldn't do the same for her."

Falo frowned. She felt bad for him.

Bryan opened a switchblade and added it to the memorial. He returned to his seat with his head down, leaning into his boyfriend.

Pike stepped forward. "We will miss Iris, may we meet again."

"May we meet again." The crowd responded, including Falo.

Just then, the doors to the room opened and a few guards walked in, angered and scared as they headed for Pike.

"I just saw 'em," one of the guards hissed. "Whole encampment. Three hundred strong. Just behind the ridge. It's a bunch of 'em. . . grounders. They're coming," they hatefully turned to Falo, pointing their fingers in her direction. "I bet she knew about it too! She's probably going to kill us al-"

Falo scoffed. "I'm not going to kill anyone jerk," she rolled her eyes. "And yes I did know!"

After that, Pike and Kane argued back and forth about the army, Pike saying that they weren't here for peace while Kane said they were.

The entire farm station agreed with him. They were all in pain and grieving because of the Ice Nation so they hated Grounders, they wanted revenge.

Lincoln and Falo stayed side by side, watching the scene unfold. Falo felt angered that they were talking about her people like this, so was Lincoln.

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