✨🔥Dark Choco x Chili Pepper✨🔥

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Request from: Yasukefanpage

~ " I promise... " ~

(Ok so, this is the first chapter of this oneshots book! I'm so excited eek!! Have fun reading :) ).

    Chili Pepper's POV:
  It feels like forever to wait for your boyfriend, all alone, in the forest, knowing full well that he might not arrive in time before the nightfall. But hey, I can totally understand him; recently, the Cookies of Darkness were kicked out from the castle they were originally living in by none other than Pure Vanilla Cookie and his allies. Dark Enchantress's Cookies' defeat dragged all of them down and had nothing else to do but to settle their camp deep inside the thicket, far away from all the Kingdoms which territories were bigger than the Earthbread itself.

  I sat next to a tree, admiring the clouded sky, which was close to become darker minute by minute. 

  " Dark Choco Cookie.... Where are you." I murmured to myself... Before I heard some shruds rustling, and a tall figure stepped forward; muscular body, black-white hair, dark skin and a darkened glare which pointed itself directly at me, emotionless, yet aggressive.

  " I'm here..." Dark Choco announced his reveal, his cape fluttering as he came closer.

  " Finally!! Took you long enough!" I chuckled as I wrapped my arms around him and hid my cheek in his waffles (aka abs If you don't understand).

  Instead of hugging me, Dark Choco just pat pat my head and stepped back.

  " Is our meeting really that important? Dark Enchantress will go crazy If she notice I left the camp."

  " Ugh come on big boy, you deserve to relax! That old hag is turning you crazy with those pathetic rules of hers!"

  Dark Choco narrowed his eyes and huffed in disagreement.

  " Even If Dark Enchantress is evil, she promised us to make our lives better-"

  " Lives better-!? Oh come on darling! That woman started a war, ruined lives, forced you with your friends to join her side and many other shitty stuffs! Do you think she cares about you? ".


  My boyfriend lowered his head and silence wrapped us both; Dark Choco looked sad and probably understood that, even If he was disagreeing with my opinion on Dark Enchantress, I was sorta right. That old hag was indeed a person who changed him from a happy young man to a dog who only followed her everywhere, serving her like he was a servant. And by her manipulative actions, he ended up being seen as a trustless shadow.

  I did feel bad, and the only thing I could do at the moment was only to hug him and make him feel loved.

  " Dark Choco.... Why aren't you coming with me.... Believe me, If I was you, I would have ran away a long time ago. The Cookies of Darkness don't care about you, nor care about these Kingdoms... But I do..."

  "... I'm sorry my love.. but mother won't agree on us meeting, or me leaving the group. And whatever will happen with me... It's anyway not her problem...".

  My heart shattered as I heard those words. I grabbed his hand and placed it on my cheek; the feeling of his palm nuzzling me was heavenly, and I wouldn't wish for that feeling to disappear.

  " I'll save you from that monster.... From those monsters that are ruining your health and your trust in the ones that love you. I promise that.."

  The man gave me a smile before placing a soft kiss on my forehead. I felt myself blushing heavily and didn't even tried to hold it in.

  We both hugged as the sun hid behind the fir trees, and night slowly appeared; creepy, cold, filled with secrets...and dark...

~ time skip at Chili's house ~

  I was laying on my bed, wearing my reddish pijamas, listening to my favorite music and enjoying the warm temperature of my blanket. I stared at the ceiling, imagining the times me and my boyfriend talked with each other like we needed to. Yet, that scorpion's face.... That disgrateful hoe bag who kept me away from my lover.... And ruined innocent people...turning them into monsters just like herself....

  "... I promise..." I whispered my last words before I drifted into a deep sleep, hoping, maybe one day, me and Dark Choco will be able to spend some more time together...


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