✨🔥 Moonlight x Sea Fairy ✨🔥

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( This is not a request but I found out that this ship brings me comfort so why not writing something about these two? Also credits to the creator for drawing such a masterpiece!)

~ Secret meeting ~

(No POV)

Cookies all over Earthbread spreaded rumours about the legendaries watching over them, giving them water, wind, the nature, the time, the warm fire and even more. But they weren't only watching from above. They had Kingdoms to take care of.

For example, The Fire Kingdom was far away from the actual Kingdoms, on a island full of predators; the members of the Kingdom were troublemakers, yet cool persons. The Wind Kingdom was on another island, same as The Time Kingdom, The Jungle Kingdom and so on.

But two Kingdoms which relationship was slowly falling apart had two Queens whose love for each other was unbelievably strong.

The Moon Kingdom was settled up in the sky, the endless clouds being the actual castle. When rain was falling, the queen was crying, snowing meaning she was bothered etc. When the sky was clear in the night, the queen would play a show of sparkly stars for the cookies on the Earthbread. Everybody said that the queen, Moonlight Cookie, was a woman with a pure soul, a delightful smile and power to protect herself and her people from the corrupted shadows.

And then, there was the Sea Kingdom, ruled by Sea Fairy Cookie, a woman who tends to be serious, yet having a decent personality. But she could turn into a cold-hearted cookie too; her waves could hit the lands in case anybody threw or hurt her sweet ocean by throwing garbage in it. Nobody tried making her angry, not even the most malicious creature that lurks in the forests.

Both Kingdoms had equal strength, but people between them had a enormous hatred for each other. And even If both queens tried communicating with their people to stop willing for war, they would turn even more suspicious.


It was a cold night, birds streaming the sky, foam appearing at the shore near the lands. The light of the moon hit the forest like gunshots, lighting up the darkened path, each of them leading to the entrance of a different Kingdom.

Near the shore, in The Sea Kingdom's territory, a woman figure appeared from the water; a long cyan dress that was camouflaging perfectly with the restless waves. Soft skin, splendid eyes and slow movements. The Queen of the Sea Kingdom, Sea Fairy Cookie arrived.

She found a rock and decided to sit on it, brushing her fingers through her watery hair; the queen traveled half an hour to meet with someone very important to her. She couldn't wait for them to arrive.

Minutes passed by and Sea Fairy's patience was slowly drifting away. She was willing to give up on trying to meet with a cookie that couldn't even arrive in time. Yet....she could understand her completely; both were queens, had annoying work to do and had no time to breathe. And even If they could see each other at gatherings between the leaders of each Kingdom, they would be forced to hide the fact that they were a couple; some kings of the other Kingdoms already suspected them for forbidden love, and once the secret was revealing, the punishment would be torture to death.
Nobody wanted such a disaster to materialize since both Sea and Moonlight were the queens of those Kingdoms for the past 10 years. Their deaths would bring even more unpleasant questions and even unplanned wars that could lead to tons of defeated armies on both sides. And as the past rulers of the Kingdoms said: " Weak fighters would lead to the enemies' glory ".

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