Heck life

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I feel like I am slowly yet surely drifting away from the Cookie Run fandom for some reasons, but there's something that doesn't allow me to fully leave it. This fandom brought so many important people in my life and got me into such fun, It's hard to simply kick it away from my life. Idk what to fuckin' do. I have the urge to continue writing in this book and finish all requests, although It's so hard for me because yk, lack of motivation, stress, new interests and school. So If I decide to permanently close it, I am sorry. For now, requests are STILL closed and this book is STILL on-going. I'll fulfill all of them when I have the patience, peace and time and even accept new requests If I manage to finish all the ones I got atm.
Sorry for this random chapter, just willing to take this trouble off my chest.

(Lmao made it sound deep 💀🔫)

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