Im back! News, my disappearance

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SO. Finally, after so damn long, I arrived from the depths of my satanic school that made me want to unalive myself sometimes- however, since It's Winter Break, I'll try to finally continue writing the remained oneshots, and the most recent ones my hearts couldn't push away, although I said requests are closed cause it sucks to be such a nice person lol-

Soooo, why did I disappear? Well, the answer is clear: School, parents having a unhealthy obsession over high grades, and other things.

Book news, answering questions you might have:

1. "Why does it take so long to write my oneshot?"

Since there are various ships that I either don't like or there are characters that have so many different personalities and it aches my brain sometimes to get into their shadow and understand how they truly act, some requests published/will be published very late. Oh plus, I either have no motivation to write or I'm simply too busy with trying to put my mind together after the tight and draining time I had in school.

2. " Will there be any other oneshots book after this one?"

Maaaaayyybe. There might be even a roleplay one where everyone can put their creativity at challenge and rp a specific character with me with different plots, drama type bla bla you get it. Ooor maybe a angst one cause I sometimes get too motivated lol.

3. " Will there be any book that's not oneshots related?"

Yes. Multiple. Im planning to create a fanmade book with Warrior Cats, yet my ideas are all vanishing so It'll take a long time to finish-
Im also planning to create something Cookie Run related with a personal Au that flooded my mind lately.

4. "How's life actually going?"

It's going well ngl. That's....all I have to say- nothing too special.

Merry Christmas by the way my darlings! Hope you all live happily atm and early new year to everyone! Thank you all for the support, and good day/night!

(Excuse the cover ok Im drunk)

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