🍋✨Dark Choco x Licorice 🍋✨

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Request by Dreamfox_night

(The children from my basement didn't escape btw 🥰)

  ( In this oneshot Cookies of Darkness can't have romantic relationships between each other cause....idk it adds drama 😘 go eat ass Dark Enchantress. There might be a second part but Im not sure.
   Im sorry If the smut part is quite short, I am in the worst state I could be and fluff/angst is everything I can think of atm. Oh btw Dark Enchantress go eat ass again).

~ Thank you ~

Licorice's pov:

  I had trouble understanding who I really was from the very beginning. I thought "Will I ever fall in love?" Or "Will I actually have a wife? Children? A husband?" I never really put that in my mind until now. Until I turned to be paranoic about everything, really.
  I thought about who I truly loved and liked in my life.... Pomegranate? Eh fuck that grandma obsessed bitch. Poison Mushroom? I saw him as a son... Red Velvet? We're kinda distant, plus he's dating that bitchy joke of a nun, so of course I had no chances.

  And then it hit me. Dark Choco Cookie. That immense crush I felt on him since the start of this stupid villainous group never left, nor I wished for it to happen. I loved that man, but he showed up to no interest in me or any other cookie from the CoD... If I... slowly got into a tight connection with him, maybe that'd work.. I wasn't sure, of course, so I decided that it would be best to check on him more often than I already do and try to understand his personality rather than just ignoring him every time because of my paranoia....shitty paranoia...

  My plan was to simply know him better, form a connection, actually helping him from griefing everyday because of the pain he went through. I agree, most of us had hurtful, traumatic pasts, but it could be better in the future If we love and believe...right?


  The silence from the CoD's castle was deafening; it looked like a cemetery rather than a cozy place to live in. Yet, it was usually this quiet in the morning. I wanted to prepare myself earlier than ever, and everyone was sleeping as I suspected.

  I dressed up in my usual gothic clothes, put on my makeup (I just know he wears makeup, try to change my mind) and ghosted around the hallways in search for Dark Choco Cookie's room, which was further from the other cookies' room; he liked peace, silence and the weird obsession of hiding in the shadows, which is the reason why he decided to pick a room that was just....as isolated as possible.

  Finally arriving at his door, I placed my ear on it to see If It's worth bothering him; it wasn't silence at all, it seemed that Dark Choco was already training. So early? Welp, usual behaviour from him not gonna lie.

  I peeked inside since his door was unlocked and saw Dark Choco, balling his hands up into fists which tightened around his sword tip and swinged it around, slashing what seemed to be imaginary enemies.

  He had nothing but silk pants on, his abs were, of course visible, which I found super attractive.... But yk, I didn't come here only to watch a free show of my crush playing around (I did he's hot.)

  I took a mouth of air and knocked on the door to make sure I'm allowed in. Dark Choco didn't even looked at the door to see who was there, but did make a hand sign, so I hesitantly stepped in.

  I closed the door behind and struggled to make myself comfortable since those fuckin' abs are driving me crazy already, and yes my people, I felt quite fruity by now, but I don't want to make it clear. Nobody has to know...

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