🔥🍋 Affogato x Caramel Arrow 🔥🍋

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Request by: emogirlxxoo

~ Hateful sex? ~

(No POV)

" Got it!" Caramel Arrow shouted in prideness as her bow hit the target in the middle.

The sun was slowly yet surely about to vanish behind the chocolate mountains from afar, and this hot babe decided to practice her archery for a bit since she had nothing better to do than that.... or to spend time with Dark Cacao?? Her working schedule wasn't that tight since she stepped down from being Cacao's personal "guardian", and she was usually free every afternoon.

And, other than that, she was free to annoy that dishonorable snake (Affogato) whose existence was pathetic and pointless. (Or at least that's what she thought).

Caramel practices her archery for some good 20 minutes before heading back to her house. Buuuut.....

" Oh fucking God what are you doing here!?"

Caramel spat in disgust as Affogato appeared from behind a tree, wtf was this man planning again.

" Chill honey, I came here to visit you~!" Affogato Cookie winked in a flirty way which filled Caramel with loathing.

" You? Visiting M E? You have ten seconds to explain your foolish actions before I stuck my arrow up your ass."

" Darling please I came here to have a deal with you! I mean, wouldn't you like having some more friends? Oh wait I forgot! You have no friends.

.... He has to be kidding...

Caramel growled as she pointed her bow at his head.

" At least I wasn't so selfish to the point I tried to kill the king for his Kingdom!"

The man blinked in annoyance for some seconds, yet a amuzed chuckle got out of his mouth.

" Oh noooo! I'm so offended. Come on you little brat, you have no idea how powerful I really am."

" And what are you going to do? Shove poison down my throat? Beat me up? Remind me of traumas? Come on, show your power If you have the guts to."

" Actually, I mean to harm for today."

"... Now where did that come from-?" Caramel got a bit surprised since Affogato was the type of person to stab you in the throat If your back is turned. Something was not right with this stupid brainless joke of a man.

" Simple. The key of "friendship" is a quick conversation! We can bond up and maybe have some tea?"

" Well the key of you leaving me alone is to say go.fuck.yourself. And also, you trying to step up and try to befriend me is uhm... What's the right word... Stupid."

" Well well I think you're a bit stressed... What If I can be.. your stress relief? I-"

" Before you let out any other word, I can assure you that your flirty side won't make me will for a filthy cock. So stop trying to rail me or I call the guardians."

" Awww come on! For sure you want it too! I mean.... after all... You can loose your virginity on me~!"

" Seriously? I'm sorry I'll rather kill myself than fucking with you."

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