🍋✨ Adventurer x Blackberry 🍋✨

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Requests by AsexualQueen_4Real and lumaxdd

~ Unusual Breakfast ~

( I have 100 children in my basement.)


It was a gloomy saturday morning. The rain poured from the darkened blanket of clouds as each cookie woke from their delightful nap. The center of the Kingdom was already flooded with cookies who perhaps went shopping or simply went to enjoy their morning breakfast.

Yet a darkened mansion, hidden between maple trees, a bit further from the Kingdom's main entrance could be seen, no sound surrounding it.

Adventurer Cookie finally opened his eyes and stretched his weakened muscles after his sleep, overthinking the stuff he could do today. Perhaps wandering around the unclaimed territories? Searching for treasures? Who knows.

The cookie got out from bed and searched for his usual clothes, put them on and walked outside the room and entered the hallways; pure silence, not even Onion Cookie was awake. Perhaps??

The male walked towards his child's door and opened it slowly, and in case she wakes up, he already planned to surprise her with tons of sweet cheek kisses (such a good father). The room was dark and kinda cold which was something common Onion Cookie liked.

As the man's sight got used with the pitch darkness of the room, he could observe everything better, but mostly, looking after his daughter; she was asleep in her bed, covered up like a burrito in the blankets. Adventurer did nothing but smiled sweetly and closed back the door. He marched the hallways silently until he ended up inside the Kitchen. The fragrant scent of coffee beans and cinnamon filled the air, but also the familiar scent of blackberries, which allowed him to know that his wife was awake.

" Seems that you're awake." The somewhat tiredish voice of Blackberry Cookie woke Adventurer Cookie up entirely as he pointed his sight to the maid; she wasn't looking at him, however she was focused on making her own morning warm drink. " I finished every chore for now. I'll be ready for anything new as soon as the day truly starts. Please, enjoy your coffee." She continued.

The male cookie glanced at the cup but padded towards the Kitchen's main counter and grabbed his wife's hand, turning her to face him.

" Did you get any sleep?" He immediately asked. Concern showed up on his face, but Blackberry didn't point that out.

" I did. But not a lot as expected. I wished to finish all work so today I could have free time for you and Onion Cookie!... Don't tell me you're mad."

" I- of course I'm not! I'm just scared. Your sleeping schedule is falling apart, you know."

" It'll be ok, I promise. I always make sure to gain as much rest as possible or taking enough breaks from these chores."

Both cookies remained silent for a few seconds which felt like hours, then they smiled at each other and giggled.

" You're so protective.."

" Oh I know-"

Adventurer cupped her cheek and booped her nose with his which made her giggle again. But her expression suddenly changed and she let out a sigh.

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