Happy new year and Happy Birthday to me!

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  My dear readers, finally the end of 2022 arrived. Most of us fought in the past year and ended up stronger than ever! I am excited (and quite scared) of what's about to come, and how will 2023 change us. For the past years, some of us found themselves in people they met, turning amazing. Some found out who they really are by fighting against their fears or troubles, understanding that there's still hope for most of us. I am proud of anyone who came out this far and is now reading this chapter. I truly mean each word I typed here. Maybe you are a unknown person for me, but hey, we all can agree that we're equal, nobody being more beautiful or smart or handy than another, but everyone is special in their own way. And so are you.

  Talking about celebrations and stuff, my Birthday is today! Yes, I celebrate both New Year and my birthday which made me feel hopeful for the future! Once again, I thank you all for your sweet comments in the oneshots I already fulfilled.

  Happy New Year and enjoy your life at fullest my dearings!!! ❤️

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