🌷White Choco 🌷(Au related)

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( Unmotivation, tiredness and a big Wattpad project waiting ahead made me forget that I have tons of requests to do, soo while pouring my soul into them, I also decided to bring lists of cookie headcanons that can also be requested in the first chapter! Have fun reading and deep apologizes for being absent for a long period of time. + If you're uncomfortable with my headcanons, I suggest you leaving this chapter.)

1. Went into a Fencing, guarding and other interesting activities teaching academy where she met her first group of "true" friends: Rose Cookie, Raspberry Cookie, Raspberry Mousse, Pistachio, Knight, Pink Choco and later on, Princess.

2. Her first ever crush was Rose Cookie, but she got "stolen" from her by Raspberry Mousse.

3. Due to such jealousy, White Choco attempted to create different deadly traps to kill off Raspberry Mousse, all failing one by one.

4. After graduating, the group fell apart, leaving White Choco all alone.

5. Became Hollyberry's personal guardian alongside Raspberry Cookie and her rival, Raspberry Mousse.

6. Dark Choco Cookie's former partner. Also biological mother of Chess Choco Cookie.

7. Is very distant, quiet and rather impulsive. Tends to be a sweetheart towards her beloved ones, but gets jealous pretty quickly and wishes to lurk anyone she's rival with in deadly traps.

8. Rose and Raspberry Cookie's best friend.

9. Has a strong scent of... obviously white chocolate and napolitans; vanilla flavoured.

10. Grew to despise Dark Choco for stealing her children from her because of Dark Enchantress's devilish plans. Also Raspberry Mousse-

11. During a War between all Kingdoms VS Dark Enchantress, White Choco betrayed and broke a rule, killing off Raspberry Mousse, still out of jealousy and past memories, blaming him for taking Rose away from her.

12. Words destinated to RM: " If Rose Cookie was smart enough to choose a perfect partner, NOTHING bad would've happened. You wouldn't have been here, crumbling and begging for help, and we would've been friends. You made a promise, and you broke it. May hell and its shadows settle upon you and torture you, turning you into the monster that I've become."

13. Murdered by Dark Choco as he tries to "protect" his children from her, them all understanding that White Choco turned into nothing but a demon.

14. Became a wandering spirit and promised to herself to watch over her children, keeping them safe and acting like a better mother she always wished to be. She regrets her past actions, and If she was able to reincarnate and become her old self again, she would definitely change.

15. Dark Choco, which lately became the king of the Dark Cacao Kingdom, reffered to White Choco as "The beast with no soul", making other cookies that haven't meet her before think she was a Urban Legend. Chess Choco Cookie accepted the "idea" and followed their father's words and fake myths.

16. Before her life turned tragic, White Choco always wished to become a excellent writer.

17. If I had to choose a name for White Choco's backstory (If turned into a book), it would actually be named "The Beast with no Soul", obviously following her nickname, as the book shows how difficult life can get, and how jealousy can pick the path of your life and turn it into a chaotic and horrifying experience.

560 words

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