🍋✨ Yogurt Cream x Lilac 🍋✨

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Request from: ElishaLam8

( Yogurt is a big bottom and we all know it well)

~ Under the night's stars ⭐ ~

(No POV here)

Yogurt Cream reached the outside of his house and laid on the reddish sand underneath him. He gazed at the blanket of shiny stars which surrounded the night sky.

Memories of different adventures he had with sorts of cookies flashed in front of his eyes; his brother, Scorpion Cookie, Alchemist Cookie and many other cookies. But one of them was special. Not only his best friend, but the cookie who always cared about him and loved him like he was a God. Lilac Cookie.
Throughout the years they spent together, he always acted like a knight towards him, sharing with him his deepest secrets, the sweetest compliments, and the purest smile. They loved each other more than anything.

His thought vanished as foot steps could be heard from behind. The pale purple haired cookie quickly sat up and turned his head just to see Lilac.

" Staring at the stars again?" Lilac said like a whisper as he went to sit next to him, his palm touching his.

" I'm just... admiring our ancestors."

Lilac titled his head in slight confusion.

" Still believing in those silly stories from the past? "

Yogurt seemed to be rather bothered than amuzed over what Lilac said. He lowered his head a bit.

" Someone once told me... That the stars are the fallen kings from each Kingdom. Or each element is a legendary cookie, stronger than hundreds of knights, and even stronger than the biggest dragon whom power can destroy the Earthbread and every living thing inside of it. I don't believe these are stupid stories. They mean much more than you think."

"... I did heard about these myths, yet I'm not quite sure they're true. But you can believe whatever you want..." Lilac assured him, pat pating his shoulder and sharing with him a soft smile. He added: " But, you really believe that the legendaries are that strong?"

Yogurt placed his head under Lilac's chin and grabbed his hand, holding it close to his chest.

" Not as strong as you for sure."

Lilac blushed and kissed Yogurt's forehead. The two boys kissed their lips and held each other's cheeks, just being adorable.

Yogurt felt so safe together with his boyfriend, and wanted to connect together with him in different ways, not just sharing sappy words to each other.

The man inserted his tongue in the other male's mouth, holding him by the hips, not fermly, just trying to hold him in one place.

" M-mmh-?" Lilac got taken aback, yet he didn't really mind, so he just did the same.

The french kiss went on for like, 5 minutes straight before Lilac broke the kiss and watched his bf, lust shining in his eyes. Yet...

" Yogurt Cream, what If someone sees us..?"

" Do you think I care? If we get caught, blame it on me~" Yogurt purred as he made Lilac the top and gave him a seductive kiss on the neck. " Come on. Start your work~!"

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