🍋✨ Black Raisin x Parfait 🍋✨

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Request from: MrMysteriouso

Kinks: Degradation

~ " Punishment " ~

( I'm horribly sorry for not publishing this oneshot faster I was very busy with school!! )

Parfait's POV:

" Paru-paru- PARFAIT! ⭐ Welcome my dear fans to my new concert!"

The crowd cheered as they saw me stand up on the podium, spreading such magnificent words towards me which made my heart explode out of happiness. I loved how I developed to become a better singer day by day, and how I finally ended up becoming famous. I wasn't happy because I was known as a famous musician; yeah I liked fame, but spreading joyness and making my fans to follow their dreams was my biggest wish.

I turned my head from left to right to search for a certain person in the crowd, listening in time to the yellings of the crazy admirers underneath me. But... one person which promised me to be here hasn't arrived. Black Raisin'Cookie.

" I swear to God, I'll ruin you when I get back home." I thought to myself, a soft innocent smile appearing on my face as the concert finally started and I sang my song.

~ Time skip to Parfait and Black's house ~

" I'm home." I announced in a faint voice.

I placed my guitar on a chair and headed to the Kitchen to get myself a glass of water. And surprise surprise, Black Raisin'Cookie was there, chilling, just preparing some tea; blueberry tea If I followed my scent correctly.

" Oh, Greetings darling! How was the concert?" Black turned her head and greeted me. I just stared and narrowed my eyes, then went to grab a cup from a shelf settled above the sink.

" Ignoring me again hm?" Black stopped me by grabbing my arm, but I pulled it away.

" You promised me that you'll arrive! But you didn't." I replied in a cheeky voice as I turned my sight and poured water in the cup. I didn't meant to sound that mean, or make drama over such a small thing. I knew Black Raisin'Cookie was busy most of the time, and I wasn't complaining about it. But I was trying to act like a brat to see her reaction; playing with her mind would be fun.

" Are you serious Parfait!? I've been talking with you about those stupid patrols for MONTHS! Yet, you still decide to act like a total slut."

Ok now, why the fuck...did I started to BLUSH!? I covered my cheeks a little and began sipping from the cup, trying to avoid any eye contact with Black Raisin'Cookie; I think.... her explicit words made me feel a bit hot...

" Hmph. Such innapropriate words." I growled, still being a blushing mess.

" Hm? What? Oh.... So you do like when I call you my whore hm~?" Black purred as she turned my body and pushed me against the counter. I nearly spilled my glass so I just placed it down and covered my face.

" Pervert..." I murmured.

" Repeat your words you slut." Black demanded which made me feel a shiver down my spine.

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