🍋Caramel Arrow x Affogato 🍋 (pt 2)

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Requested by Fandomse

Surprise surprise! I'm back! Decided to make ya'll happy with my small appearance and publish a new request before I PERHAPS vanish again 👍. Without further ado, have fun readin'!

~ I...love you? ~


Caramel Arrow's pov:

It has been a while since me and Affogato Cookie actually got to experiment on each other's body. It was the most delightful feeling. A blessing indeed. But I am embarrassed of what the others might've thought when they heard such sounds from my house. The windows were opened and everything was loud and clear. Were they suspecting of who was the cookie who pushed themselves on me? I couldn't accept the fact that maybe I would even be considered a slut for my unhealthy act.


Every single day that passed by seemed to get slower. Every minute felt like hours, and hours, like months. Dark Cacao did everything he possibly could to exhaust his people for unknown reasons, and I was one of them. Even my father complained about his best friend's "stupidity" for acting so protective over his borders that were clearly watched over 24/7. And since I was AGAIN picked as Dark Cacao's main guardian, work was rigid and not at all enjoyable for me anymore. I had no time for myself, and break times felt like nothing. I was getting so stressed lately that I was actually starting to despise my job. I was worried.

Finally, break time arrived. And I was very excited to relax by drinking something warm and just watch the snow spread on the citizen's houses.

As Dark Cacao declared for most fighters to take a rest, I immediately grabbed my bow and rushed to a concealed place where I sat on a bench and tried to not concentrate on anything but myself. Oh, such a mistake to think that I'll gain a bit of peace.

" Hiiiiii~!"

" Oh for God's sake."

Guess who appeared. Yep. Affogato Cookie 😍.

The male had his arms crossed as he watched over me; I huffed and groaned loudly in uninterest, trying my hardest to keep the peace between each other and not jump at him like I am a sort of a damn psychopath.

" Ok so. THIS is my ONLY break time that I can enjoy today. And your face ruined it. So be quick and tell me what the fuck do you want."

" What? Can't I see my splendid girlfri-"

" SHHHHHHH. Do not call me that....unpleasant nickname. Our intercourse session was nothing but a coincidence. You have no idea what could happen If Dark Cacao Cookie finds out we fucked."

Affogato giggled in amusement as he fiddled with a tuft of his black feather boa, his eyes lidded.

" Your reactions are priceless. I could watch you throw a scene about how terrified you are of King Dark Cacao....and I wouldn't care less! Plus, my ways of annoying your ass are too good. I cannot resist!"

" Well you can kiss my ass."

I shrieked my cuss, my hands instinctively tightened around my weapon ready for any attack. You can't trust this man, especially when you are alone. But it seemed that the dishonorable worm did nothing but to stay there and smile
nonstop. He lifted his head and emmited a soft giggle.

" You can go then....with one condition..."

The man padded forward and bended over me. He lifted up my chin and whispered.

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