🍋 Licorice x Parfait 🍋

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Request by: michimichirinro23

Idk If I feel exhausted or done with life. Maybe both-

~ Exciting lessons ~


Licorice and Parfait knew each other for a long time already. The day they met was when Licorice Cookie planned to create chaos inside Pure Vanilla's Kingdom and place fear in innocent cookies. Not even the king himself believed such a scraggy and easily sensitive cookie could bring such terror in his Kingdom. But Parfait's personality and actions dragged him down and made him ignore Dark Enchantress (surprisingly) and her orders became futile to win Licorice back. He was so obsessed and happy with the singer that his point in life was to furfill every single wish of Parfait until death separates them...


" U-uuuh, sooo... What will you teach me now-?" Licorice held the guitar Parfait gifted him a long long time ago, a week after they got to know each other...yk...as a sign of friendship. He was willing to know how to play an instrument, but his skills weren't meant for such a thing.

It was like, 7 pm and Licorice sneaked through Parfait's window to meet her up since it was forbidden to have a relationship with a Cookie of Darkness. Licorice, of course, was not living in Pure Vanilla's Kingdom and he had to keep his and Parfait's bond a secret. Oh how much they wanted to reveal the secret so they don't have to hide in fear.

" First I'll teach you the easiest two chords on the guitar, and afterwards, I'll let you do the whole thing!"

" Ugh... I don't know... I don't think playing an instrument is the right thing for me!" He kind of apologized as he tried to put the guitar away; despite the fact that Parfait was talented and oriented to teach musical stuffs, it wasn't enough for Licorice to fully understand. He had completely different orientations but was also willing to change himself and try something else...which was pretty hard.

Parfait hurried to grab his wrists right before he could move to place his guitar down; her sight shone in anger, but also understanding.

" Darliiing, I know It's hard but I've made a promise! I promised you that you'll find interest in other stuffs and not in creepy emo things- " She encouraged him, her hands tightened up around his palms, turning him even more frustrated. This woman had an very exciting energy that could exhaust a man in two minutes and who the fuck can be surprised? She's fucking Parfait.

" I do like music." Licorice reassured her so she would be less annoying, "But I don't think performing it would bring me any success in life."

Parfait let out a sigh and went to hug Licorice, her face nuzzling the boy's chest as a smile planted on her face.

" You just need exercise. Music is not easy. To be honest, nothing is easy in life unless YOU make those things be. And yeah, I observed that singing or touching an instrument is just....not the ideal thing for you-"

" I observed that too. " Licorice finally escaped his girlfriend's grasp and brushed his awkwardness away.

" Sooo darling, have any plans for tonight? You have to go back home...?" Parfait changed the subject, feeling kinda odd that maybe her words are true.

".... Heh. I am kinda busy right now.... Admiring the view from up here~." The slim man winked as his partner as a soft purr emmited from his mouth, placing a little blush on her cheeks. Yeah, Licorice is a horny ass ok.

" You're not even that tall-" The singer laughed as she padded forward, her hands wrapped around his neck, her tongue poking out of her mouth and her eyes narrowed in lust.

Everything Licorice could do was to stay quiet and stare at his gf, feeling the sexual tension between them growing. Yes Parfait was annoying, but damn hot during her actions.

Dragging her slowly to the bed, Lico sat down and allowed Parfait's hands to run under his cloak, both their sights meeting each other with a burning wish to start the real fun.

Parfait moved closer to her boyfriend and gave him a short kiss on the neck, her tongue slowly dragging up to his ear. She nipped like a cat at it, her arms wrapping around his neck and holding him tighter so he can't escape.

" Excited aren't you?" Licorice casually asked as he enjoyed the sweet presence of his gf on his lap. She lightly nodded as her smooth lips placed small hickeys on his ear and neck, her hips moving from left to right in pure enthusiasm.

Licorice slightly pushed his girl on the side of the bed, turned her to face the sheets and moved his cold hand up her thigh, sliding her panties down and bending over to bite her skin. A groan emmited from the girl's mouth, his teeth penetrating her. She was feeling out of breathe which was, by both their surprise, pleasurable.

" G-go forward with your actions.... I'm dying over your touch~!" Parfait rose her voice as she lifted her ass and passionately waggled it from side to side on Licorice's member. A faint blush trailed his cheeks and made him flustered, but didn't dare show any kind of distraction or weakness. He felt so....dirty.....so unholy and filled with sins.... he loved it.

Listening to Parfait's words, Licorice untied his cloak and tossed it on the ground together with his underwear as Parfait hesitantly undressed herself in doubt since she kinda disliked showing her body, ESPECIALLY to males. But something seemed to make her wish to get railed. I mean who wouldn't that's damn Licorice.

Both naked and flustered from the whole situation, the couple formed a make-out session, Parfait still being turned (idk how to explain the pose don't judge me-). Licorice held Parfait's hips as his tongue lazily explored inside her mouth, their breathe equal and heated from the sexual tension.

Licorice moved his hand down her body and slipped two of his fingers in her kitty, leadind to her moaning silently. The movements of Licorice quickened as he felt the sexual tension rising, biting his lip and allowing his fingers to tease his gf as much as possible.

The shock and pleasure drove Parfait crazy, her hands instinctively grabbing the sheets. When he felt like he did enough with his fingers, Licorice moved his hands down to his crotch and stroked it slowly before rubbing the tip on Parfait's clit.

" Hehe~ feeling tough today hm~? Show me what you've got pretty boy~" Parfait purred seductively. Licorice obviously listened and immediately thrusted inside of her like a beast, turning Parfait into a moaning mess. The more he thrusted, the louder Parfait moaned. It didn't took her long enough to realise that she was close and lost in pure pleasure so she continued to encourage her bf by releasing high pitched groans and whimpers, her head thrashing to the back.

" I am your pretty boy right?" Licorice simply asked like it was a daily question addressed towards Parfait.

She took a look at the sire with watery eyes, in confusion and slight anger due to the wasted climax but understood the question in the end and responded.

" You'll always be my pretty good boy~ you just....need a bit of.... Courage to do some stuffs! In rest you're perfect~"

" Glad to hear that~" Licorice said as he continued thrusting into his girlfriend. Holding her tightly by the wrists, he watched his slut squirm underneath him, listening to her long and heavy breathe and admiring every single inch of her body with love.

Parfait groaned loudly as she reached her lovely climax. Licorice grinned and kept on plunging into her a few more times before releasing his load inside of her.

Panting and sweating like crazy, the couple decided to go to bed faster than they were usually going. Parfait hid herself into Licorice's chest while he nuzzled her hair with his nose, brushing it with his fingers.

Cuddly and tired, the couple fell asleep and ignored the fact that maybe the whole motherfucking town heard them.

To the person who requested this oneshot and to the people who are still waiting for their requests to be done, I'm horribly sorry for being inactive for such a long period of time. I will try to publish more often and be more active on Wattpad since I'm in Summer break!

1415 words

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