🍋✨ Knight Cookie x Princess Cookie 🍋✨

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Request from: Angle_Rat

~ My highness~... ~


Knight Cookie was always near Princess Cookie whenever she asked for advise for what dress she should wear, or places they should go on walks, and even what they should do that day! But what she didn't know was that Knight's crush for her was bigger than Mount Everest. He unfortunately failed to hide his feelings and sometimes dirty thoughts towards her. And what he wanted to do was to express them in a way she would probably accept his relationship request. But.... Was it worth it? Was he actually ready to tell the love of his life what he actually wants instead of a normal guardian and princess relationship?



Dear Princess Cookie,

Meet me up at the Blossom Tree from the Royal garden at 9am. There, you'll find someone that would love to have a.... little chat with you. And no, I won't kill you heh-

With love,
No name


Princess Cookie examinated the letter she found next to her bed. Her sight was blurry since she had just woken up, but her curiosity over the stranger who left the letter woke her up. She took a quick look at her clock; 8am. She had an hour to change, wash herself and head towards the garden, where she had to go meet the unknown person.

She changed into her common pink dress, fixed her hair, fit and prepared to leave. She sneaked through the hallways, trying her best to be quiet since her parents were still sound asleep.

Princess moved her hand forward to open the door, but noticed that... Knight Cookie wasn't there; he always knew when she was leaving the castle and his job was to be with her most of the time. But she just shrugged, he was probably sleeping aswell. She headed towards the garden with tiny steps, thinking of the letter over and over again, a bit scared to know who was waiting for her, and what their intentions were. Maybe a prank from someone, or...maybe a kidnapping plan...?

Princess gulped as she held her dress at the sides in slight stress, finally arriving at the blossoming tree; it was pure silence, the white butterflies streaming above her head and showing their little flights as the warm sun hit the watery grass underneath her with its rays.

Even If the sun was shining, it was pretty chilly outside, and the breeze was strong enough to make you catch a cold If you weren't dressed appropriately.

Princess waited and waited, holding a pinkish rose in her hands and nuzzling its silky petals... Until a shadow wrapped its arms around her. She lifted her head to see Knight Cookie in front of her, examinating her body with his cyan eyes.

" Oh, Knight Cookie! You finally woke up! I thought I'd have to spend my time in the garden alone... until my secret admirer arrives!"

Knight Cookie wasn't at all surprised when he heard the word "letter". In fact, he placed a smile on his cheeks and went to sit next to her.

" Do you know who wrote you the letter?" The man titled his head, watching his princess in....amusement-?

Princess didn't suspect anything, or at least she didn't look like it; she just scanned the writing with her eyes again, and sighed.

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