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" There's 1 kilometers left before the finish line, #1 and #13 are going for it recklessly just like last years competition, Is #1 Onoda Sakamichi are able to protect his throne or #13 Manami Sangaku will take back what is right for Hakone Academy and will finally defeat Sohoku? Stay tune to find out!" Announcer says through the speakers.

As always Onoda smiles while biking, He is so happy that his teamates or it'll be more great if we call them friends had granted his suggestion, He couldn't be more happy and grateful that he have great friends like them, They are racing for the god of the mountain title which awaits for them at the peak along with the finish line, The god of the mountain standing out guy was waiting for them to finally pass down his title along with his another climber friend and they are fighting and shouting at each other right now to see who is gonna win.

"Isn't this great Manami-kun? It's just like last years competition, We are racing for it again! and most importantly we can keep Toudou-san our promise!"

"I really thought we have no chance to get to do this bcz It's our last day and it happened last min, But im now believing in a saying that always save the best for the last, Im happy to be able to ride with you again Sakamichi-kun." Manami said giving him a very cute smile.

He Smiles back "Yeah."

"Lets race for the peak Sakamichi-kun." Manami shifts at his eight gear.

"You haven't change Manami-kun." Onoda catches up with him in a second.

"You neither." He stands up and started dancing through his bike and Onoda did the same.

They smiles at each other before going all out, Manami takes out his new-upgraded wings while Onoda raises his incredible high cadence even more, As they races at the last 100 meters for the finish line.

"The peak is mine!!!"


They're peacefully and happily racing for the finish line, As Onoda can feel his heartbeat go really faster and The butterflies in his stomach flies rapidly, 50 meters left and all of the flashbacks of how cycling has changed his life go throughout his head, From Imaizumi, To others.. He has met so many good friends bcz of the biking, He wanted to thank biking for giving him this experience "Bicycles are really are awesome!" With that the yellow light that had been lurking inside of his body glows a lot more, Looks like that light wants to escape so badly but can't bcz of how powerful and big it is, Onoda didn't even know that he have this power who wants to go out of him really badly, He glows without him knowing it, Manami and the audience was stunned of how bright he is, He goes even more faster with the help of the light and a song that singing inside of his head all along, 10 meters left before the finish line and his smile grows more.

But that happiness is only temporary though.......

Someone Secretly/Quietly shot his wheels that made his wheel go explode, Onoda flew backwards hitting the cement hard, There's so many times he had fallen out of his bike but this time is more painful, Manami on the other hand didn't even know that his friend falls, He just go straight forward to the finish line and wins the race.

"Onoda!!!" Said Makishima and Toudou at the same time as they watch him flew off his bike and hit the ground too hard.

Makishima among them was more worried, He non-hesitantly jump off the barrier to go check on him but the guard stop him.

"Sir you are not allowed to go pass these barriers until the race is finish, Please go back inside."

"Let me out!!! IDC!!! and what are you even doing huh??? You are supposed to help him!" Makishima said angrily.

Yowamushi Pedal- The Yellow Light {Completed √}Where stories live. Discover now