Behind The Poster

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Previously on the yellow light~

"Okay then! Lets not waste anymore time! Lets go and save Akio Saito!"





The boys are very slow isn't it?
Man they just realized it once they were all at the legendary's club door.

"What did I just say." She thought.

"Wait..." Teshima said processing what just happened.

"Did I hear that right?" Aoyagi asked so confused.

"What did u just call him?!" Everyone asked at the same timee.


"Did you just call him Akio Saito?!"
Everyone asked at the same time, It was so loud that a Tornado-Like came across Miki as she can feel everyone shockness.

"Yea sorry I just told you guys now, He's adopted, He also told me that its okay to tell everyone about his past so yeah.. But why are you guys so surprised? Did I miss something?"

"Hotshot look! The bike have the weird sticker on it!" Naruko said looking literally at every parts of Onoda's mommy bike. "N-No way."

"Hey! Im asking you guys somethin'!"

"We took so long to find who really his son is, I can't believe the person we were looking for is already infront of us."


"H-His son? What are you guys talking about!" Miki says so mad bcz she is getting ignored.

"So that's why he kept getting kidnap bcz the destiny is finding a way to get them together again." Kinjou says.

"But why does he have to keep getting hurt as always?" Makishima said.

"Hey guys! Im here! Did you not see me? Am I invisible to you guys?!"
While Miki is being ignored like an invisible barrier, A hand have touch her back, It was so warm that.. It make her pinkly blushed. "Wha-? This hand, I never felt this hand touched me before, Who is it?" She turned around. "I-Imaizumi-kun?" She asked him. "You look so confused, While we were being kidnapped, A nice girl told us about The boss son Akio Saito, We were *Fake cough* I mean the others were finding him, Bcz they think that this is the only way to stop him from devouring Onoda, I honestly think it was impossible bcz the boss were finding him for years now and he did everything he can.. Then how else a random guys that was just his enemies can find him and will turned that reality upside down? I can't believe you a normal girl whose obssessed with bikes have turned that reality upside down, You solved the case!"

"M-Me? Solved the case?"

"Yea, Thanks to you we still have a shred of hope of stopping the boss and saving Onoda!" He said as he put his arms around her back, Miki is as red as Naruko's bike now. "What? What is this feeling?"

"In that case we have to informed them immediately." Teshima said repliying to Makishima.

"But how? We don't even have any locations or in other words we don't even know where they are!" Kaburagi exclaimed as Aoyagi poked him. "That's the same meaning of words you idiot!"

" Don't worry, I still have something up my sleeve." Naruko showing off his phone to everyone and dials the person with a nickname
"My Robot❣💕" on it.

Imaizumi sneaked. "Who are you calling? Your girlfriend?" He teasingly says. "N-No it's my mom." He lied. "Really?" Imaizumi said teasing him more. "I was just asking her to-" He got cut. "To what? To record some anime for you?" Imaizumi says finishing his sentenced instead. "You idiot! You don't have to recreate that situation!"

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