A Small Rest

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Previously on the yellow light~

"Horrible past?"

"Why did i say that to him?" He thought.

"Looks like were the same, I have horrible past too."

"You did?"

"Yeah my mother gave me away that time." This statement made the boss so shock, He started asking a lot of questions to himself.

"T-That story is the same as my son Akio, Should I ask him about it? Should I ask him what happened? Could he be my s- no no no it can't be him!! I need his powers!! I can't show any pity now!!" He thought deeply.

"Idc! Im not here to hear your stories! Im here to take your powers!" He said as he have enough, He forces him to stand up throwing him through the glass door, It shutters and Onoda screamed with terror.

"You're not going to see the last of me, I will be back the next day and the day after and the day after." Onoda shivers with his sentenced. "Oh yea remember how I mentioned, You can't control the yellow light bcz of how powerful It is, Yeah you could hurt ppl, Even your own friends *Smirks* So If I were you you should give away yourself early, Before you could even hurt them." Thats the last sentenced Onoda heard before he blacked out.


Showoff finally came back to the hospital with Danchiku, Kaburagi thought he was safe already and everyone is not going to suspect a single thing but, They heard a whole crowd on the distance, He gulped knowing that he's in trouble, It's getting louder and louder and Kaburagi pulled Danckiku on to the bushes, His friend was so confused but he just get along with it.

Naruko heard some rustling in the distance. "Hotshot, Did you heard that?"

"Hear what?"

"Looks like someone is following us." Naruko stare gaze at the bushes and Imaizumi figured out what he meant. "Here take this."

He gives him a pepper spray.

"It might be those robots who wanted to devour us again."

"How can a pepper spray, Stop a robot?!"

"Just trust me okay?! On the count of three, Were going to attack them."



"AHHH." Imaizumi and Naruko scream at the same time, As they jump on the bushes, Spraying all over the place, Both Kaburagi and Danchiku felt they're eyes burning, Screaming in pain, Everyone was so shock seeing the two.

"My eyes!!! It burns!!"

"What I have gotten myself into?!"

"Showoff, Danchiku, What you guys doing in here?!"

"Look, It's not what you think it is, We were just umm taking a small walk, That's all."

"A walk? I thought we just got by the mall?" With his bestfriend statement he sweatdropped, Everyone is staring hard on him.

"No no I.. We-"

"You left Onoda here all alone?! What if he gets hurt?! What if someone is devouring him rn?! Huh?!!!!" Imaizumi rages, Attacking the showoff but luckily Naruko is stopping him, Everyone never seen Imaizumi this angry before. "Calm down, Hotshot!"

"L-Look Im sorry, I was just really bored and umm." Naruko can't believe that was the reason he left they're friend.

"What kind of reason is that???!!" Naruko yelled in anger, He was about to attack him but no one is stopping him.

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