Triying to get that plain kid with glasses back again!

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Previously on the yellow light~

"Ugh my head hurts....."

"Onoda!" Everyone knows who exactly that is and gathered around him but Onoda gotta be showing a confuse face instead of a happy face.

"I did it! I healed you son! Look Im so sorry for everything I did, I know your not ready to forgive me, You didn't have to because I have done so many bad things to you, But I-"

"Umm sorry but do I know you?"


Everyone is so shock and hurt, This made it more seems like the most hurted question that they ever heard from Onoda for the past 2 years.

"What do you mean Onoda? We are you're friends! Your bestfriends!" Naruko said.

"We pulled you from loneliness, We are saved by your yellow light, You're Onoda Sakamichi!" Imaizumi reminds.

"Well I don't remember having friend's, They didn't like me cuz I was under average."

"Well that's not true at all, You have proven yourself so many times! No one can ever reach your level! People even called you the Unpredictable and Surprising Onoda!

"Wow people call me that? I must be dreaming cuz no one ever compliments me before." Having nostalgic headache that he already told this to someone. "Ugh my head hurts, I cannot handle this all, Im just gonna go for um walk." He said leaving.

"What is that? There is no freaking way that Onoda doesn't remember us right?" Naruko asked.

"My only friend have forgotten about me.."

"Hey your my friend too hotshot!"

"He must be having Amnesia." Makishima says knows too much bout' everything. "What!!?"

"Well that's to be expected because he almost dies again." Kinjou said as everyone steal heard gaze on Akira.

"The only thing we can do right now is to remind him of the memories we had, The exact memorable place the better." Tadokoro said.

"So were going on a lil adventure huh?" Aoyagi asked.

"Yes but we should go one by one, From less close friend to closest friend ever, So that he'll just take it one step at a time, His mind couldn't handle it all." Teshima suggested. "So uh yeah who's going to go first?"

*Cricket Sounds*

"Fine.. Im going to go first." Aoyagi bravely, BRAVELY SAID. "Aoyagi!!!" Everyone said.

"Yoo lets goo! That's my Aoyagi!"

"Aoyagi-san is such a brave person! Like I was supposed the one who go first bcz Im Onoda-san's most less close friend but I really dunno how to start since I dont have any memories bout' him or am I just an airhead but Thank you for saving me again Aoyagi-san!" Kaburagi said.

"Nobody asked." Aoyagi said Auto-tuning

"Well you should help too showoff since he is the one who pulled you to your first ever inter-high-"

"Oh hello there.. You are that Orange hair kid that I met in school's gate right? Im sorry for being weird that time, I dunno what im shock of." Onoda greeted this make the whole squad jelly.

"What?! How is this possible?!"
Naruko said.

"Im jelly." Imaizumi said makes the showoff sweatdrops.

"Are we even gonna get things done?"
Aoyagi asked annoyingly. "Sorry." The clingy duo said. "Then stop talking and lets go bring back that plain kid with glasses memory again!" He replied. "Hai!"

Yowamushi Pedal- The Yellow Light {Completed √}Where stories live. Discover now