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Just then the machine starts and it starts zapping Onoda, He screamed on top of his lungs as he become paler and paler every min, While the farmer on the other hand felt so powerful and stronger, The friends couldn't stand watching this.. Some people just look away, After 4 minutes long the machine stop and Onoda starts catching his breath.

"Good working with you boy.. The session will take three days to fulfill so you better get ready tomorrow." He said putting his hand over the kid's arm before leaving, Onoda winces knowing that the pain that he gone through just now will be repeated tomorrow, The friends can see the difference from the happy Onoda back then compared to the pale Onoda now, They can tell that he have so many questions throughout his mind that they have not yet still answering but they can't now bcz they are taped shut and strong tied up.


Onoda's pov.

I woke up on a completely different place without feeling any kind of pain at all, I was so confuse as I could feel a really comfy cushion behind me, I don't remember sleeping on such comfy bed last night, As I slowly open my eyes more for a clearer view, But no matter how big opened my eyes is, My vision is still blurry, I tried to focus and examinine the area more, My eyes widen and was really shock to find out that im in my room at my mom's mansion back when I 6 yrs old... This time I knew that I was dreaming, The feeling was so great that I never wanted to wake up anymore.

Just then a figure appeared right above me, At first gaze I already know who it was, Even tho the scene is really white, I completely recognize who it is, Ofc he's my father after all.... The one who's have always been by my side and never betrayed me, He's the only one... My mother have betrayed me, My very first bestfriends that I met through bikes that I thought I can be with forever have hurtly betrayed me too, Oh I wish I could hug him rn, I have never seen that face in ages! I promise father that I would find you even if that could take forever, I will never give up just like what you told me.

I can feel my father's hands touch into mine, He is gently waking me up "Wakey wakey! Rise and shine kid!" Two voice that goes through my mind said as the pain started to comeback and my vision of my father slowly fading away.

"O-Otou-san..." I whispered as I cameback from the real world, Someone suddenly slap me.

"Who are you calling dad for? I'm not your dad! Get yourself together kid." The boss talks very loudly, His voice made me shiver.

"I-Im sorry." I apologize but he just ignored me.

"Starts now!" I let out a gulped there, As the machine starts Electrocuting me, The pain is worst than yesterdays session, I could really feel my soul getting out of my body, With my scream, I waked up everybody, They are really shock that I was being tortured already in such an early morning time.

No one's pov

"Hmmmmnn!!!" Naruko is triying to said something but he can't what he really mean is "Be strong Onoda-kun!" This follows by everyone whining.

"Don't let darkness consume you Onoda! Don't give up bikes! Don't give up your power!" Imaizumi said.

"I really wish I can tell you the truth rn I know that'll make you resist and release your yellow light." Makishima said being smart as always.

"Four eyes! Don't freaking give up! The clones are just brainwashing you!" Toudou said. "Ugh my beauty is really a mess rn but being able to sleep with Maki-chan for days is the best." He said that bcz he knew no one can ever hear him but the other robots is holding their laughs rn.

"Open your eyes Onoda! Y'know we would never hurt you!" Teshima said.

"Giving up is not an option!" Aoyagi said.

Yowamushi Pedal- The Yellow Light {Completed √}Where stories live. Discover now