The Chair

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Everyone leaves to see Onoda.

"Hotshot, What do you think Onoda will say if he first sees us." Naruko asked.

"As always he will say sorry a lot-" Imaizumi got cut by a mask man standing infront of them.

"Who are you?" Naruko asked.

The man didn't answer as he hears his senpai says something behind the line.

"Capture them."


"Yes sir." The mask man said while holding his ears.

"W-Who are you saying 'Yes sir' from." Naruko asked again.

"You'll find out soon enough." He replied smirking under his mask, Just then he pulled out a sleeping bomb from his pocket, Everyone became furious as they all stand back but they bumped into another two mask guys who is now cornering all of them.

"There's no way to run now Sohoku." He throw the bomb at them as it release gas and Sohoku become light headed, Others tries to resist but It's no use, The gas is too strong, A min later they all now laying on the floor and the unknown guys take them to their lair


Kinjou wakes up holding his head "Agh, Where are we?" The others wakes up too by his voice.

"What happened." Tadokoro asked.

"Looks like we are in a some kind of cell or something." Makishima said as the others look around realizing that they are indeed inside of a cell.

Kaburagi is freaking out he couldn't believe that he got kidnap just now. "This is all you guys fault, I shouldn't be here, I-" He purposively got cut by Aoyagi.

"Wait did you guys see that chair infront of us?" Aoyagi said pointing out in the chair.

"Hey silent boy, Didn't you see im saying something?! That so rude, I-" He got cut again.

"Yeah It looks like some sort of a machine attach to it or something, What's that chair all about?" Teshima said.

"I don't know what exactly It's called but all I know is that chair apparently zapped people, It's so painful that you would scream on the top of your lungs." Makishima said crossing both of his arms, This statement made the others gulp.

"AHH I don't want to die yet!!! Get that chair away from me!!!" Kaburagi freaks out as Aoyagi slaps him.

"Put yourself together kid." He said while Kaburagi just touching his face bcz of the pain.

"But seriously tho who's that chair for?" Kinjou asked the team.

"That isn't for every single one of us right?" Naruko said.

Imaizumi is so busy with his thoughts that he Isn't even saying anything "They kidnap all of the members of Sohoku but Onoda...? Is that chair is for hi- No no no you can't think such bad things Imaizumi! You need to stay positive!" He thought.

"Are you okay hotshot?" Ask the worried red head.

"Yeah don't worry."

Suddenly the door automatically opened, Revealing the guys who kidnap them earlier "You're prediction is right there Kid." One of them says as they all started working on the machine.

"What? They can read minds?" Imaizumi thought. "Wdym IM right?! Is that chair are meant to be for Onoda?!" He ask angrily.

"WHAT?!!!" Everyone is shocked by Imaizumi's sudden statement.

"Our master uniquely designed us to read humans minds, He have incredible skills to build such beautifully robots he even perfectly copied humans actions and reactions and put it on us, We couldn't thank him enough for bringing us to life." The robot explained.

"That is not what I'm asking for! Idc about you guys! Im asking for my friend Onoda." He corrected.

"Oh that.. Our senpai needs him for something or should've I say our master needs something from him." He said evil grinning infront of them.

"What do you need from Onoda-kun?!" Naruko asked.

"Don't you dare ever put your dirty metallic hands on him!" Imaizumi exclaimed.

"And what chu gonna do about it huh? You're trapped here, Unable to escape, There's nothing you can do about it kid." One of them says.

"You jerk-" Imaizumi rages but he was got cut by Kinjou. "Calm down Imaizumi." He said putting his hand over Imaizumi's shoulder, Imaizumi is calmed. "I have a question." Kinjou asked waiting for them to say anything but nothing did, He just decided to go through it "Are you guys have something to do about Onoda losing Third day of inter high?"

"Finally someone realize it! That's the funny part tho, I cant believe people actually thought that he have a damage tire throughout the race, No one even thought that he probably get the flat tire during the race while he is going all out, But thats the sad thing about road racing tho, It might not be your fault for being an unlucky person but the audience are toxic, They saw one bad plays from him right before the finish line and immediately criticize him, What a fools right? We shot his wheel right before the finish line with a Shizukesa gun (Silent gun), So that people will hate on him." He answered.

"But why tho? Why do you need people to go hate on him." Naruko asked so confused of what's happening right now.

" To make him hate and quit biking himself with that we can finally-" He was got cut by one of her fellow friend.

"You idiot! You don't have to say too much! We are not supposed to be telling the plan, That's the master's orders." Said the robot.

"S-Sorry." He apologize scratching his head.

"Onoda-kun will never hate biking! He loves it!" Naruko said and the others agreed with him.

"Well see about that, Anyways do you guys wanna know why you here?" Said the robot everyone just nods in confusion.

"Very well." He turn on a TV screen infront of everyone and they saw Onoda on the bicycle club alone criying, Everyone is relief that he is okay.

"Onoda!" Imaizumi said.

"Onoda-kun you're okay!" Naruko said.

Just then something unexpected happened, FIVE people appeared on the screen, The Sohoku couldn't believe their eyes.

"I-Is that?" Tadokoro said couldn't even finish his sentence.

"US?!!!!!" Everyone said at the same time.

"Yes! We collected all of you guys dna's while you asleep and created the clones of you."

"B-But why?" Toudou asked.

"It should've been boring If he get hates from the people he don't know right? So we decided what if he suffered from his own friends that'll make him quit biking right away."

"WHAT?!!!!!!!" All of the Sohoku yelled.


Chapter 2 just posted yayy!!!
I apologize again if there's some part you didn't understand, Have misspelling, Bad grammars and stuff, I will try my best to make this story more interesting and understandable, See you again tomorrow or next week, Have a great day/night!

Peace out!

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