In trouble

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"None of those two, My master couldn't really afford it so he just bought him a normal mommy bike, He put a sticker of his favorite anime too that look like a star before giving it out to him."

"Interesting." Makishima said.

*Watch beep sounds* "Oh crap, I need to go now, My senpai needs me, It was nice meeting y'all! I leave you guys with your friend *Points at the screen* For now." She said running away.

"What a cutie." Naruko thought.

"Well that was one heck of a story." Kaburagi said.

"But now that we know most of his plans." Kinjou said.

"We need to escape this place somehow." Aoyagi continued.

"The question is how?" Tadokoro asked.


Onoda is alone at the club criying, Failure, Weak, Useless, Selfish that is what his calling himself right now, He feel like he's just a heavy burden for the team at the very beginning, He hates himself, He hate himself for letting the team down.

Why am I so Pathetic? Why am I so selfish? If he wouldn't take the finish line himself at the first place, None of this would've happen, Sohoku's name wouldn't probably mess up by now if somebody else take the finish line, If Imaizumi or Naruko is the one who's at his place that day, They would certainly win, 100% guaranteed, Cuz he know they have much more talent than him and he will never reach their level, If it wasn't for his greediness to fight with Manami for the title that day the team would've win and the people would praise them instead of hating on Sohoku, He blame himself, He blame himself for losing, As he looked at his injured arm squeezing it, He knows this pain will make him stop overthinking a bit.

First day of school he already got bombarded, Almost everyone at school hated him, Even the teacher is greatly mad at him for messing up the school's name, They make his works harder, Neither his classmates is not interacting with him, They even got their chair away from him, When you think that's worst, The next one is more worse, He got beat up by bullies and they got his injured arm really damage, And the banner outside where his name is put is no more, Onoda shivers thinking back all of that, It hurts knowing that everybody hated him.

He's been criying for over 20 minutes now, He could feel his eyes burning, The tears are endless, He wanted to make it stop, He wanted to hold it back, But his tears always finds away to get itself through, The club room was so dark, He was covered by the dark, His mind and heart is covered with the dark and there was nothing he can do but just to cry.

Just then a sudden light flash through his glasses, As he look at it and saw Five people, He immediately stand up bowing.

"S-Sorry for letting you down everyone, It's all my fault, I was being selfish, I even mess up Sohoku's name, Sorry.. Sorry for everything, I understand if you don't wanna be my friend anymore, S-Sorry." He said saying sorry a thousand times.

"It's okay, Everybody makes mistakes." Teshima's clone said.

"No one's perfect on these world." Aoyagi's clone says.

"We know your clumsy sometimes." Naruko's clone said.

"Besides people might forget about it eventually." Imaizumi's clone said.

Onoda brighten up, He knew his friends would always be there for him, As he runs and was about to hug them but..

"Sike! Do you really think we could forgive you after what you did to Sohoku's name." Imaizumi clone said grinning at the shadows, This sentence hurt Onoda so much as if it were a knife got stab at his heart, He never knew Imaizumi would say that, Especially when they have stronger bonds than any of the people out there, He was my first friend in these school, He was the only person who mostly believe me, I make him hate me... M-My bestfriend hates me, His tears began it's move again but he tried his best to hold it back as if it were a thread clunging his tears and it was about to get cut off but he tried to be strong, He wouldn't want his friends to be bother or worried, He still couldn't move, His legs are shaking, As he hears another voice talks coldly.

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