He's back

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"No I can't besides you're the only one I got now." He said as he picked up every pieces of her and bringing it all at his workshop where he made everything unbelievable.

He easily fixes her and once he finish, Aiko is turn to treat him, While she was bandaging him, She gave him a very serious look this leave the boy confused.

"Now that all of the robot is destroyed, The chair is damage, and the kid got away, What are you planning to do now?"

This sentence made the boss smirked.

"I will not give up catching the boy." He said clenching his fist "If the machine can't handle it bcz of how strong his feelings is.. We just have to make him weak then."


"Wake up Kaburagi-kun." Naruko said waking the sleepyhead up.

"Huh what?" The orange head said slowly opening his eyes.

"We're gonna go out somewhere, Well be back in an hour, We need you to keep an eye on Onoda-kun." Naruko informed.

"Where are you guys going?"

"Me and hotshot are going to akiba to get Onoda-kun some new release action figures."

"He might be in the hospital but there is no way we would make him missed that." Imaizumi said.

"Big man and Captain Shades are going to get him some foods."

"Onoda needs to be stuffed, We will get him the best food from the best restaurant that this planet ever had."


"The sleeping beauty and his prince will go out to give Manami his mountain god-" Naruko got cut immediately by Makishima.

"We're going to hakone to tell Manami, Everything we and he gone through and hopefully will convinced him that do the race again, Fair and Square, Sometime or very soon."

"Hey Makishima!!! Thats not what we discussed!!! Onoda may have been got injured but Manami did his very best too!!" Toudou told him, He barely called him"Makishima" It's always have been "Maki-chan" But you can really tell that Toudou is very serious about it.

"I know I know but Onoda also did his best and got injured too, I think he deserves a fair race, After all you were the one who wanted fair and square fights when we were still rival, Do it again with our so- juniors and i really have this gut that in the meantime everything will change again, Everything will workout somehow." Makishima explained.

"B-But Maki-Chan!-"

"Please." He begs.

"Fine I just know that your predictions is always right, We can move it, But Im telling you My Manami isn't gonna lose this time."

"Yay, Thank you!" Makishima said surprisingly hugging him, The others was stunned watching them they felt like Maki is being a very different person rn.

"You love birds done now?" Naruko said interrupting the romantic mome- Them.

"Hey! Don't call us love birds!" Makishima protested.

"Pfft, Your just jealous bcz you didn't get to experience moment like this with someone.' Toudou said.

"Actually I have one." Naruko said looking at his phone with a "My Robot❣" Nickname on it, Everyone sneak peek but he quickly hides his phone "Stop it!"

"And I almost forgot Teshima-san and Aoyagi-san are going karaoke too."

"It's been a while so."

"Thats right, Teshima will teach me how to sing."

Yowamushi Pedal- The Yellow Light {Completed √}Where stories live. Discover now