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" That's a beautiful name." She compliment him, This make Onoda blushed more. "Thanks.."

"But.. If I really know that joining the bicycle club will make my bike got destroyed, I wish I never would've join it at the first place."

"Hey don't say that! My brother can probably still f-" She was got cut by the two robots who suddenly appeared infront of them.

"It's tea time now baby." Teshima's clone said as his tone made MikiSaka shivers down to their spine for some reason... The two pairs is really scared.


"Teshima-san! Aoyagi-san! I thought you already left yesterday? What are you doing in here?"

"Oh don't mind us actually.. We just forgot something really important."

"Forgot something what?"

"You!" Teshima said as a red light came flash through his eyes, Looking directly at Onoda, A sudden headache shot in his head, It felt like someone is spilitting his brain into a half, The agony make him kneeled to the ground, Both of his hands are holding his head, Miki while on the other hand is panicking, As she decided to make a move, She kick the robot like she's some sort of karate girl or something, This makes the robot fall into the ground, He might not felt any pain into the fall but MikiSaka takes this opportunity to runaway, Aoyagi's clone was about to chase them but..

"Save it, I have a better plan." Teshima said smirking.

Meanwhile with MikiSaka at 15th floor, Both of their legs were really tired, Both were out of the breaths too.

"Wait... Can I.. Can I please catch my breath first? We just literally run like what? Almost tenth floors?!" Miki said stopping from running.

"Sure but we need to atleast find a hiding spot first they might be on our tails *Looks around* There! In the bathroom." He said pulling Kanzaki inside the bathroom, Locking the door, Miki hold on to the counter trying to catch her breath while Onoda on the other hand sits down slowly with his back rubbing the door, He really need some time to relax after running such a lot of floors and after dealing with a really strong headache just now.. Once Kanzaki finished catching her breath, She looks at Onoda with a worried look on her face.

"Are you okay? You look like in so much pain earlier."

"I'm okay, I just had a lil headache." Kanzaki wasn't so sure if he's telling the truth or not.

"Are you sure? I saw Teshima's eyes become bloody red, Did he do something to you?"

"What? Teshima would never do such a thing! He's our friend!" Onoda protested.

"But.. I don't really think they're Teshima and Aoyagi tho.. They will never chase and scare us like this! When I kick the former captain, It doesn't really feel like a human skin that met my feet, It was like a really hard metal or something.." Kanzaki informed her theory this leave Onoda shock.

"So are you saying those guys are some kind of clones or something? Where are the real seniors then?!" He asked in a really worried tone.

"I dunno maybe they wanted something from them." This sentence make Onoda realize something.

"Oh don't mind us actually.. We just forgot something really important."

"Forgot something what?"


"I don't think they wanted something from them.. I think they wanted something from me."

Yowamushi Pedal- The Yellow Light {Completed √}Where stories live. Discover now