Akio Saito

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Previously on the yellow light~

While on their way back through the hallways, Onoda notice that Imaizumi been smiling brightly than he ever is before, It's been like that since they leave the comfort room, He never seen Imaizumi like this before and Imaizumi also notice his confused face and break the tension between them. "Remember how I mentioned that you saved me a lot of times during our second day and second year race? Im glad im finally returning the favor now, Im glad that I finally save you for the first time ever, All this time I have feel so bad bcz I think that I never save you or comfort you all along.."

"Hey that's not true! If I didn't meet you that day, I wouldn't be here where im at now, You were the reason why I met all of this amazing guys Imaizumi, You were my first ever friend, You save me from loneliness, Remember how I mentioned you had the power of pulling/pushing everyone, And improved them, Thats what you did with Naruko and Sugimoto, Thats what you did to me too, You determined and improved my potential, Its all started with you, Im glad I met you as my first ever friend Imaizumi."

"It's true that you don't take any credits for the good deeds you did." Imaizumi says makes Onoda scratch his head. "But that doesn't mean, I didn't like that though."

The duo have finally reached Onoda's room and Naruko immediately asked them how did it go. "So how did your lil bonds go?"

"Actually I was-"

"It was great, We have fun, After all were the greatest duo ever."

"Hey!!!! That's not true!!! Onoda and I is the greatest duo too." Naruko complained.

"Then how come you take too long to like his favorite show?" The elite tease.

" It was my first time watching it you idiot! And there was a reason why ppl call us the golden trio bastard!" They continue to fight as always and Onoda can't help but sweatdropped while watching them.


"Onoda-kun..." Kanzaki whispered under her breath while kneeling on the ground. "He save me again." She finishes, Looking at her hands full of dirt.

Just as she was about to give up and burst out of tears, She realizes that there is still shred of hope, She can't be wasting time criying now, She had to do something.

She pulled up her phone and try messaging the others about what happened as she was about to send one for Imaizumi, But It didn't send, It failed to sent, And she finds out she runs out of the load. "Why now???"

"I have no load and there is no wifi reception to sent them emails nearby, What am I gonna do now?" She seems so flusreted wanted to crash her phone so badly but as she look faraway infront of her, And realize she just have to run at Kanzaki's shop as hard as she can.

"If Mrs. Onoda can run 45 kilometers without any stop, Then I can do small 10 kilometers without any stop too." She says moving her legs like the flash even tho its kinda breathtaking.

"Onoda, Do you know? You're the most kindest, Friendliest and earnest person I've ever met, It's rarely to have ppl like you on the earth, Some girl is gonna be lucky someday... It really is like a dream, For some reason, My heart is lighter when I talk to you, Lighter than Imaizumi." She keep running even tho her legs is screaming.

"You always saves the team so many times, Now It's my time and our time to return the favor, I'll run faster than the flash even if it kills me." Miki accelerated even more, People behind her thinks she was kind of crazy ass girl, But Miki didn't mind it at all but instead she smiled.

After the exhausted and deadly wild run, She had finally reach her brother, The first thing she did once she reach their home is that holding onto the wall, Gasping for air, Ofc she run over 10 kilometers non stop, Normal girls can't do that, She's a non-extraordinary woman, The brother saw her and immediately stop what he was doing to pat her sister back.

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