Real Mother

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The friends open their eyes, Realizing they aren't inside of the lair anymore, They've escaped!!! They're so glad to see the light again, While there were celebrating, They saw Onoda leaning on a tree who was in a lot of pain making him the most vulnerable, As he was about to fall off and collapsed but Imaizumi catch him, Carriying him by putting his arm around Imaizumi's neck.

"You did it Onoda-kun!" Naruko said cheerful as always.

"T-Thank you everyone for making me realize those things, Thank you for everything." He said weakly, Making Everyone smiles, Passing out at Imaizumi's hands.

"He's an idiot." Kaburagi said loudly. "But he's actually strong." He continued softly.

"Let us take you to the hospital." Imaizumi said as they started walking, Taking him to the hospital as careful as they can.


"Excuse me! Miss? May I ask where is the room of my Onoda Sakamichi is?" Asked an old woman in a panic tone, Almost out of breath bcz of how fast and long she'd run just to see her son.

Miki on the other side just catch up with her, She can't believe how fast the old woman run. "Mam! You're such a great runner." Said the cute girl while holding her chest, Catching her breath.

"Oh it's really nothing, I run marathons monthly and I seriously run faster when there's an emergency, This is my Sakamichi were talking about here." Miki smiles bcz of how great of a mother she is.

"Well you should've have wait for me at the van otherwise were already in Onoda's room by now cuz I may or may not know the number of his room." She informed her this Made the old women's eyes widen.

"Well in that case what are you waiting for? Lets go and see my son!" She said pulling Miki with her, Shoving all of the people in their way. She's like some sort of a very strong typhoon or something.

Meanwhile with the friends, They are sitting outside of Onoda's room, Unpatiently waiting for the results, All of them is having a concern face on, Everyone is doing their own griefs.

Imaizumi's criying silently while Naruko is comforting him holding back his tears too, Makishima is walking here and there, Tadokoro can't stop looking at the time, Kinjou with teary eyes hiding behind his glasses, Toudou is overthinking, Both Aoyagi and Teshima doesn't dare to move and Kaburagi is sleeping, Everyone is really worried.

"I can't believe your a criying baby."

"What?! Im not! You were holding back your tears too!"

"Well whatever im glad were getting along for the first time ever."

"Were not!"

"Btw Imaizumi did the mother already know about this? Are they on their way?" Kinjou asked him.

"Yes Miki already told her." He answered.

"Great." He replied.

"Are you sure the mother can handle it all? I mean she doesn't even know what road racing means." Naruko said.

"I don't know if she can handle it all but Don't worry as long as her is at his son's side, She will be a great mother."

"Where are they btw?" Makishima asked.

Just then they heard a very loud voice at the distance, and that person is pushing the people outta way, They quickly realize that it's her the storm mom.

"They're here." Tadokoro said.

"Geez she really is a storm." Naruko said.

The storm mom made it to them, Tryna catch her breath before speaking "Is Sakamicki okay? What are the results? Is it that bad? Did he already wake up?-"

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