Chapter Twenty: Night Terrors

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Asuna grabbed new sheets from her drawer and started making up the bed for the night, Kirito had wanted to help her but she insisted on doing it herself, and instead sent him off to take a shower instead.
She had just finished making the bed and was about to change into some comfy clothes as she heard the bathroom door open from the first floor. She watched him walk out in a pair of sweats he had miraculously stuffed in his bag, claiming he always had a pair just in case.
His hair was still wet, and looked like he had shaken it out to get rid of any excess water, she blushed as she saw the small droplets still hanging on to his toned chest.

He noticed her looking at him and smirked. "See something you like?" He teased. She stuttered a couple times before deciding to just stick her tongue out at him, earning her a chuckle from the dark haired boy. He climbed the stairs to the second story of the loft, his eyes landed on the large bed, and suddenly a small spark of realization crossed his eyes.

He coughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Got everything ready?" He asked, not making direct eye contact with the caramel eyes that watched him. "Mhm, I laid out clean sheets for you, please make yourself at home okay? I'll be downstairs if you need anything." She explained, turning to make her way down the stairs.

"Eh? W-wait Asuna, Hey!" Kirito blurted, causing her to turn around with a confused look on her face.

"What?" She asked, her head slightly tilted.

"I'm not kicking you out of your own bed..." Kirito said, moving towards her in large strides.
"I'll sleep downstairs, go ahead and get some sleep okay?" He smiled before passing her on the stairs.
"Kirito don't be ridiculous! There's no way you can sleep on that couch all night, you won't even fit!" Asuna argued, following him down the stairs.
He plopped down on the couch, sprawling himself out. "Seems fine to me!" He exclaimed before grabbing a blanket off the back of the couch and throwing it over himself.

Asuna huffed and poked his exposed side.
"Ki-ri-to...." She mewled. "You're not sleeping on this couch."
"I'd like to see you try and make me move." He challenged.
Asuna grumbled in annoyance.
"Fine." She huffed, walking away.
Kirito smirked to himself, thinking he'd won, settling into the couch cushions, he prepared himself for an interesting night of sleep.

"Ah hah!" Asuna shrieked, yanking the blankets away from the frazzled male as he balked at her.
She smirked at him triumphantly, making him scowl bitterly.
"Go to sleep Asuna." He groaned, trying to take the blanket back, but she was very quick, pulling it out of his reach.
"I will, but you're in my spot." She shot back.
Kirito sighed, and then an idea popped in his head, although he wasn't sure she would go for it.

Well... we coould both just share the bed.." he said, looking in any direction other than his girlfriends.
She sighed and was about to say he was being silly, but the idea wasn't bad... plus it's not like they hadn't just been engaging in.... certain activities... just a little while ago.

Kirito looked at her, surprise clear in his features.
"R-really?" He stuttered out.
"Why not... seems like the best idea given the circumstances." She said plainly, although she was biting her lip softly.

"Okay..." Kirito agreed, rising from his spot on the couch and following Asuna back upstairs.
The two settled into the bed together on either side.
Facing each other in the dark, Asuna smiled softly and let out a small goodnight, Kirito replying before closing his eyes.
A few minutes later, something made him stir, opening his eyes once more, he could see the dark shadow of his girlfriend moving slightly, he kept quiet, not wanting to disturb her.

Then he felt a small finger wrap around his own. He smiled softly to himself, squeezing it back. Then he heard silence. He closed his eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.

Some time later into the night, Asuna opened her eyes to the sound of rustling. She rubbed her eyes, trying to wipe away some of the sleep. glancing at the nightstand clock. she read 2:45am.
She turned again to the source of the noise.

Kirito was mumbling in his sleep, his restless form flipping over again and again; his whole body shivered as he thrashed, his mumbling becoming more and more frantic.

He was having one hell of a nightmare.

She reached out, grabbing his shoulder softly and giving it a light shake as she called out to him.
Suddenly he jolted upwards, gasping for air and gripping the sheets in a vice grip.
He whipped his head around the room, his eyes searching desperately for something.
Asuna reached out and cupped his face in both hands, he flinched at first, but once she brought his gaze to hers, he took a long exhale, leaning forward and resting his forehead on her shoulder.
"Shhh.... You're alright..." She whispered softly as she ran her fingers through his dark hair, he released a shaky exhale.
He stayed there for awhile, trying to calm his heart by focusing on her running her hands through his dampened locks, after some time his breathing returned to normal, and he slowly raised his head, his eyes meeting hers.

She felt her heart sink at seeing tears clinging to his eyes, his whole face showing utter exhaustion.
"Oh Kazuto..." she said softly, brushing her fingers along his cheeks lovingly wiping away the fallen tears.
He exhaled once more, his eyes full of guilt as he looked at her.
"I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to wake you up.." he said groggily, his hand reaching up to hold her wrist.
"It's okay... don't apologize silly." She said, pulling him to her once more, resting his head on her chest.
"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked, she immediately felt him stiffen.
"No... at least not yet..." he answered.
"Okay, whatever you need, I'm right here." Asuna assured.
Kirito reached around and wrapped his arms around her small frame, pulling her towards him. "I just need you..." he breathed against her ear.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here, okay?" She consoled, settling into his embrace.
Kirito settled back into the sheets, laying on his side as Asuna had him rest his head on her chest, never letting go.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, sleep already coming back into his voice.
"You have nothing to be sorry for... goodnight Kazuto." Asuna responded.

She kept holding him close until she felt his body relax as he settled into sleep once more.

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