Chapter Five: Day After

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When Asuna woke up, she felt very nauseous and her head was killing her. She rolled around in bed and pulled the covers over her head.

What time had she gotten home last night? She didn't remember when she and Liz had left. She was supposed to sleep over but Asuna couldn't remember if she'd brought her back with her. In fact, Asuna didn't remember much about last night at all...

She sat up and looked around and she gasped. This wasn't her dorm, she had no clue where she was. Had she gone home with someone last night? Oh god she certainly hoped not. Looking around she saw another bed in the room, 2 desks, both covered in textbooks and computers sitting on each.

She looked under the covers...she let out a sigh of relief seeing she was still fully clothed. At least she could say she hadn't done anything too reckless.

She was just about to try and grt up and make her escape when the door to the bathroom opened and Asuna froze in place, a strangled sound made its way out of her throat and she panicked. But when Kirito stepped into the room, she felt all her tension slip away.

He looked at her and blinked a couple times before a small blush made its way onto his face. "You're awake, are you feeling okay? Here I'll get you some water." He said as he walked across the room and opened a mini fridge that was in between the 2 desks. He pulled out a water bottle and walked over and handed it to her. Asuna thanked him and took a few gulps, she didn't realize how thirsty she was.

"Hey... last night... you remember what happened?" He said as he sat in his chair and looked at her. She shook her head and put the cap back on the water. "Wait did something happen? Please tell me nothing happened." She said, the distress clear in her voice.

"Haha you mean us? No, nothing happened." He stated, she sighed and then nodded. " I don't remember a lot about last night, I remember getting there... I bumped into you and you helped me find Liz, and then..." she trailed off.

Kirito got up and sat beside Asuna, he looked at her for a moment before speaking. "Before I tell you this I want to say first that nothing happened, okay?" She nodded in response.

"I saw you go upstairs, and some guy followed you up there. I didn't trust him, so I followed him to see what he was doing. When I got up there, he was on top of you..." he stopped and waited for some kind of reaction from her, but she just sat there and looked at him. He continued on, "I pulled him off of you and he left, but you were...very out of it. I think someone may have spiked your drink."

She looked down for a moment and then nervously looked at him, he could tell she wanted to say something, but she only looked at him, he could see in her posture that she was very uncomfortable. "I stopped him though okay? Nothing happened. After that I brought you back here and put you in my bed.... I slept on the floor." He said as he gestured behind them.

She looked over the side of the bed and saw a pillow and blanket on the floor. She looked back down at her hands and took a deep breath before saying, "...thank you, Kazuto. Really... thank you so much." She said, her voice was shaky and he could hear the tremble in her voice. He hesitantly put his hand on her shoulder and she didn't do anything to suggest she was uncomfortable. So he continued by rubbing her back softly.

"But you're okay, that's what's important. You also don't have to worry about your friend, Eugeo took her back to her dorm." Asuna nodded.

"Thank you, I uhm... I should get going. I don't feel so great" she admitted, she stood up and bowed her head. "I appreciate what you did for me Kazuto." She said. Kirito paused for a moment, and then he said "Kirito." Asuna tilted her head slightly. "Call me Kirito. My friends call me that." He said with a smile.

"Kirito...." asuna repeated, and then a smile appeared on her face for the first time since she woke up. "Alright, I'll be off. Thank you Kirito." She said.

Kirito ended up walking Asuna back to her dorm. They talked the whole way there and he got her laughing in no time. When they reached her building she turned around to say goodbye and Kirito asked her if he could get her number. She said yes immediately and they exchanged phones and put their numbers in. Asuna waved goodbye to Kirito, and clicked her card to go inside. Kirito watched her go to make sure she got in safely, and then he walked home with a smile on his face the whole way.

Once Asuna got back into her apartment, she immediately went to shower. She stayed in there and let the water run for awhile after her usual routine before getting out, and then she spent the day on the couch with her laptop doing reports for school.

She heard her phone ring and she looked at the name. It was Liz. "Hello?" She said as she held the phone up to her ear. "Asuna? I didn't see you last night! I was sooo drunk I don't even remember how I got home!  Did you bring me?  I thought we were supposed to go to your apartment!" Asuna opened her mouth to answer, but she stopped. "Asuna?"
"... uhm, yea I just decided to take you home, you were complaining you wanted your bed so I thought it best" she heard silence. "..... Well I guess that makes sense! We need to go out and do that again it was so fun!" Liz continued and Asuna talked with her until she left for a study group.

Asuna found Kirito kept popping in her head throughout the rest of the day, and as she fell asleep on the couch that night, she slept very soundly.

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