Chapter Four: Spike and Rescue

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This chapter will deal with some mature content. If you are uncomfortable you may skip past and just read near the end.

Thank you.


For the majority of the night Asuna and Liz danced together. Liz was pretty drunk after quite a few drinks, but Asuna had only had one and decided to be the sober one for the night.

Liz was trying to say something but couldn't be heard over the music. Asuna leaned closer to try and hear her and lowered the drink in her hand so Liz wouldn't knock it out of her hand by accident.

"What did you say?" Asuna asked Liz.

"I said... I'm gonna go get some more pizza!" Liz answered, which earned a small laugh from Asuna.

"Alright, I'll meet you in the kitchen I have to go find a bathroom. Here can you take my drink?" Asuna took a little sip of het drink before Liz took it and gave her a short goodbye before disappearing into the kitchen.

Asuna watched her go and then went on her own mission to find a bathroom. She moved through the crowd and went up a set of stairs that she hoped lead to a bathroom.

Kirito was with Eugeo in a corner talking when Eugeo suddenly pointed across the room. "Isn't that the girl you were telling me about earlier?" He asked, Kirito nodded. "Yea that's her." He answered. He took a closer look and noticed someone walking behind her, he looked a little sketchy and it gave Kirito a bad feeling. He made his way through the crowd to head up the stairs himself.

When Asuna got to the top of the stairs, she started looking around for a bathroom, then suddenly she felt very dizzy... and disoriented. She had to lean against the wall for support and her head started spinning. She tried to blink it away but it only seemed to get worse. Her vision started to blur and she sank into the wall more, desperately trying to stay standing.

This didn't make any sense, she had only had one drink and she'd given her cup to Liz. So why did she suddenly feel so heavy?

She felt someone yank her off the wall and she nearly fell right over, but they kept her upright and pulled her into a room. It was dark, and she couldn't make out any of the noise coming from downstairs anymore, she fell back on to something soft. She groaned, her head felt like it was going to melt. She heard a voice but it sounded very muffled, she couldn't make out who it was. She could feel a weight on top of her and she wanted to make it go away, it felt so heavy... and it made her tired.

Suddenly the weight was gone, and she thought she heard two voices. They sounded like they were talking, but she couldn't be sure. After a few minutes she didn't hear anything at all. She opened her eyes but everything was so blurry. She saw a figure infront of her and she thought they were talking to her.


Then everything faded to black.

Kirito made his way through the crowd and then walked up the stairs. He checked the bathroom, but she wasn't in there.

He called for her a couple times until he heard a small noise come from the room at the end of the hall, like something was knocked over.

Kirito rushed to the end of the hall and didn't bother knocking first. He opened the door to find Asuna sprawled out on a bed, and some guy on top of her, he looked like he was trying to wriggle her out of her shirt. "Hey!" He yelled as he walked over and yanked the guy off of a defenseless Asuna. "What the hell are you doing?" Kirito hissed as he shoved the guy into the hallway. "Dude back the hell off, I found her up here okay?" He responded before cursing at Kirito and storming off.

Kirito watched him go down the stairs before turning around and walking back into the room where Asuna was laying.

Her eyes were closed and she was barely moving, what the hell had that asshole slipped into her drink? He leaned closer to try and get a solid word out of her.

"Asuna.....? Hey, Asunaa?"

No use. She was out cold. He looked at her for a moment and felt a rush of heat swarm him. He sighed in frustration, he wanted to go find that guy and beat the crap out of him, but he couldn't and wouldn't leave her alone up here. He opted instead to call Eugeo and have him find her friend and meet him at the front of the house.

After he talked to his blonde friend and told him the situation. He said not to worry about him and her friend and he'd handle it and to take care of Asuna. Kirito thanked him and then hung up the phone and looked back at Asuna who was still out like a light. He had to admit she looked very cute while she slept.... he stopped himself from thinking that thought, and smacked himself for good measure.

He leaned over and lifted the sleeping chestnut haired girl into his arms and carried her through the house and out the door. He unlocked his car and put her in the passenger seat. He climbed in on the driver's side and looked over at her. The night air was cold, she was shivering.

He reached into his backseat and found a black hoodie that he often wore, and covered her with it. He then started the car up and drove back to his dorm.

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