Chapter Eleven: Cold Encounter

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Asuna collapsed on the stairs, reaching for the rail to keep herself from falling. Her arm felt like it was on fire, a hot burning sensation traveled through her fingertips all the way up to her shoulder, as if someone had shoved a red hot branding rod up her arm.

She let a strangled noise escape her throat as she looked at her left arm, it was a graze... but a deep one, blood gushed from the wound and dripped off her fingertips.

"Asuna!" Asada said as she steadied her. She looked down the stairwell at what she thought would be a scary man... but it looked like he wasn't much older than she was.

He looked up at them, his eyes red and pale, tears streaming down his cheeks. "I... I'm sorry.. I just... I can't take it a-anymore." The boy choked out before he raised his gun again. Asada did the only thing she could think of and jumped. She flew through the air until she crashed into the boy. Both tumbling to the ground, the gun flew out of his hand and landed harmlessly on the floor a few feet away.

The boy struggled against Asada. "Get off me!" He screamed. Asada only held on to him tighter, hoping that if she could just hold him and keep him from the gun, that'd be enough.

"Let go let go! Don't pretend you care! Nobody cares!" He screamed some more as he tried to push the black haired girl off of him. She kept a vice like grip on his torso.

Asuna, who couldn't even feel her legs, looked down the stairs, and when she saw Asada tackle the boy to the ground it seemed to snap her back to her senses. She forced her shaky legs to stand and nearly fell down the stairs, but she made her way down as quickly as she could and tried to help Asada.

She looked around and when her eyes settled on the gun she lunged for it, grabbing it and fiddling with it until the bullets fell out of the gun and into her hand. She placed the gun back on the ground and then made her way back to the two teens who were sprawled out on the floor.

Asada was doing an impressive job at keeping him down, but before Asuna could attempt at helping, he managed to get her off by elbowing her face, Asada's grip finally gave out and he slipped out and scrambled to his feet. He raced  past Asuna and grabbed his gun. He pointed it at Asada and then fired.

But all he heard was a small click. He looked at the gun for a moment, and tried to fire again, nothing. He whipped the gun at the floor and screamed. "Y...You bitch!" He screamed as he lunged at Asuna. She raised her uninjured arm in an attempt at defense and closed her eyes. She heard another shot fire through the air. However, it wasn't from the boys gun. She opened her eyes and met the boys stunned form, his eyes looked just as shocked as hers and Asada's, before he stumbled back and held his ribs.

"A....ah....agh..." he choked out before he completely collapsed. Both girls stared blankly at him before looking at eachother. Suddenly the doors burst open and they both turned around to be greeted with police officers.

"Are you two okay?" The female asked. Asada nodded, still in a daze as she focused her attention to her hands.

Asuna was going to answer. But she suddenly felt very weak and dizy, she stumbled forward slightly and then felt herself falling and she heard some voices before everything faded to black.


After the officers had cleared the building, they made an announcement over the loudspeaker.

"Attention Staff and Students. The lockdown is officially over, there is no longer any immediate danger." And it cut out. Kirito and Eugeo gave eachother looks of relief. Everyone left their classrooms, professor's announced that exams would be cancelled and everyone should head home for the day.

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