Chapter Seven: Yuuki Konno

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Asuna was walking back to her dorm from her last class for the day.

The days had grown shorter and nights longer as December came. She brought her hands up to her face and blew on them, relieving them temporarily from the bite of the new chill. A big gust of wind whisked past her making her shudder and she picked up her pace.

Once she let herself inside she exhaled in relief, letting the heat from the apartment complex warm her. She stepped on to the elevator and waited until she arrived on her floor. Stepping off she reached in her pocket for her key. She didn't feel it and was about to check her other pocket when a voice called out to her.


Asuna looked up in shock and a smile spread on her lips as she picked up her pace.

"Yuuki!" She answered closing the distance between them and wrapping her bestfriend in a hug. After they were both satisfied, Yuuki let Asuna go and a big smile appeared."What are you doing here?" Asuna asked as held on to one of Yuuki's hands. Yuuki shrugged. "I decided to come see my best friend and spend the weekend with her at her fancy cool condo" She answered as she winked. "Come on let me see the place!" The short haired girl said as she practically dragged Asuna to the door. Asuna laughed and then reached in the other pocket and pulled out her key. Turning it and opening the door, the girls both stepped inside.

"Woooow..." Yuuki gasped as she turns in a circle to see the whole condo. Asuna sighed as she took off her coat and hung it up, tapping Yuuki's shoulder and gesturing for her coat, Yuuki didn't miss the slightly embarrassed look on her friends face.

She shrugged off her coat and handed it to Asuna, giving her thanks before she stepped further inside.

"I'll make us some hot chocolate." Asuna said as she walked behind the counter, pulling out her mix and boiling some milk, while stirring it yo avoid it burning of course. Once it was nice and hot she poured it into two cream colored mugs and brought over a small tray, placing it down on the table, Yuuki smiled as she admired the cute setup, complete with a small bowl of mini marshmallows.

"So how's college life?" Yuuki asked as she picked up a mug, blowing on it softly and adding a small handful of marshmallows.

Asuna shrugged.

"It keeps my busy. I have no problem learning the material so I'd say it's going well." Asuna said simply.

Yuuki frowned into her mug. Growing up Yuuki would listen to Asuna go on and on about a small Cafe she wanted to create, complete with cute sandwiches and treats. As she got older however her parents had set a path for her.

While Yuuki knew she could run a company very well along side her older brother, as she had a very big presence and was very organized and prepared, she didnt see Asuna being happy that way.

"What about you? What have you been up to?" Asuna asked as she leaned back into the couch, her own mug in hand.

"Well... my mom still is in pretty poor health. My sister and I have stayed close to home to help her around the house. But I've decided to enroll in a nursing program next year." Yuuki replied as she stared into her mug. "I'm hoping I can help people the way I help my mother." She finished.

Asuna nodded in understanding. Yuuki's mother had been like an aunt to her growing up, but due to her chronic illness she didn't leave the house often. She remembered when she had started taking on cooking shed bring soups to Mrs. Konno often and she'd always enjoy them.

The girls continued to talk for awhile and Asuna couldn't remember the last time she had laughed this much. She truly missed her dear friend.

She heard her phone buzz and Asuna glanced over.

New Text: Kazuto Kirigaya

Yuuki noticed it too and Asuna quickly grabbed her phone, but it was too late and a sly grin made its way across Yuuki's face.

"Asunaa you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend!" She exclaimed teasingly. Asuna couldn't stop her face from heating up as she waved her hands around in protest.

"N-No! Its not like that, we just went to the same highschool and when we bumped into eachother here we kept hanging out is all!" Asuna rambled as a grinning Yuuki listened to her.

"Do you like him?" Yuuki asked. Asuna's blush grew deeper and she bit her lip "I really enjoy his company...and he's so sweet, but I don't know, he doesn't seem all that interested."

Yuuki rolled her eyes which made Asuna look at her questioningly. "What?" She asked. "Please Asuna, he's probably totally into you. You can never tell when someone likes you, it's been that way since we were kids." Yuuki said as she stole Asuna's phone from her. Asuna made a noise of protest as Yuuki opened the phone and smiled.

"See? He's inviting you out this weekend!" Yuuki said as she handed her phone back to her. Asuna  couldn't help the small smile that appeared as she read the text.

Hey Asuna,
I heard there was an outdoor ice rink opening near the campus this weekend, would you wanna go?

She looked at Yuuki, who gave her a reassuring nod and Asuna texted back.

Okay, Sounds like fun! I have to rent some skates since I left mine back home, but I'd love to go.

She sent the text and looked at Yuuki and smiled. "Skating huh? Lucky you, when was the last time you were on the ice?" Yuuki asked and Asuna thought for a moment.

"My last competition was 3 years ago... but I still go to the local ice rink back home to casually skate." She responded. Yuuki nodded and smiled, remembering watching Asuna's skating competitions.

They both heard another notification and looked at Asuna's screen

Great! I don't have mine either, when I pick you up we can stop by a rental shop and grab a couple pairs. I'll see you tomorrow around 2pm.

Alright! See you then.

"You my friend, have just gotten yourself a date." Yuuki said and Asuna couldn't help but smile, but it didn't last long as she realized the situation.

"Yuuki I'm so sorry! You said you were coming for the weekend right? I completely just abandoned you..." Asuna began but Yuuki waved her hand in protest. "Aw c'mon Asuna don't be that way, I'll entertain myself here for a few hours while you have your date. You can tell me all about it when you get back!" She exclaimed.

Asuna gave her a look. "Are you sure... I can always tell him we can do it next weekend. Afterall this is a surprise visit." She offered.

"No no! I dropped in unexpectedly, don't worry about me, go have fun, I'll just watch some movies and wrap myself up in these fluffy blankets!" Yuuki said as she gestured behind her.

"You're the best Yuuki... thank you." Asuna said as she pulled her friend into a hug. Yuuki smiled back snd hugged her friend.

"Well let's go pick out something to wear!" Yuuki said as she pulled Asuna off the couch and up the stairs. Asuna nodded and the girls spent the evening picking out clothes and spending time together until they went to bed.

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