Chapter Eight: Skating Date

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Asuna sat on the couch nervously playing with a strand of hair, she couldn't ignore the butterflies in her stomach that had been there for the past 15 minutes.

Kirito had sent her a text that he was on his way, and Yuuki had given her a thumbs up and was talking to her and trying to keep her mind occupied, but she could see that it wasn't working.

A notification popped up on Asuna's phone and she looked at the screen. Kirito was waiting at the apartment doors. She took a deep breath and stood up.

"You'll be fine Asuna, just be yourself!" Yuuki assured as Asuna started putting on her boots. Asuna smiled in response and thanked her friend before slipping out the door and making her way down to the lobby.

When Asuna got off the elevator she looked ahead and there he was, standing outside dressed in grey jeans and a black winter coat with a deep blue scarf. She hurried towards the door and as she opened it Kirito turned around and gave her a smile.

"Hey Asuna," he greeted as she walked up to him. She was wearing a very pale pink coat with a white scarf and what seemed to be white fluffy socks that peeked over her boots with blue jeans. She looked cute, and Kirito was glad his cheeks were already red from the cold.

"Hi Kirito, I hope you weren't waiting too long out here." Asuna replied as she closed the door behind her. "No not at all, just a couple minutes" he said as they both turned around and began walking to the parking lot. He led her to a small grey ford ranger, and she smiled slightly to herself at how well it suited him. He unlocked her side and opened the door. "After you," he said and she smiled back before climbing inside.

He closed the door and then walked around to get in on his side, once he was in he rubbed his hands together for a moment and then started the engine, a blast of heat came through the vents and he backed out of his spot and they pulled out of the parking spot.

"How'd you find out about the skating rink?" Asuna asked, Kirito responded with "I overheard somebody talking about it in our robotics class, just a quick search on my phone after was enough to find it." He said with a smile as they left the school grounds. Asuna turned as the school drifted father away.

"Everything okay?" Kirito asked as he glanced over at her. She turned her attention back to the dark haired boy and nodded. "Yea everything's fine, this is my first time being this far away from school grounds is all." She explained, something about how she said it sounded distant, for a split second the shine that normally was in her honey colored eyes disappeared, Kirito turned his head back to the road.

"I thought I remembered you rode a motorcycle?" Asuna asked. Kirito nodded and sighed. "I drive it most of the year, but when winter gets close I put it away and pull out the truck." He answered. Asuna made a noise of understanding and then she noticed the ice rink.

A smile spread across her face as she leaned to get a better view, and Kirito couldn't help but chuckle as he pulled into the parking lot and found a spot.

They got out and made their way into the skate rental building, Asuna didn't realize how excited she was to get on the ice as she practically dragged a very willing Kirito along. Once inside they split up to find their skates.

Asuna pulled a pair of figure skates off the shelf and Kirito decided on some hockey skates. When Asuna went over to pay for the skates, she felt a small tug on her coat sleeve and when she turned around her eyes met a pair of onyx ones.

He smiled and pat her head before taking the skates from her hands, despite her protests which he waved off, and placed both sets on the table. Asuna blushed and pulled up her scarf at an attempt at hiding it.

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