Chapter Two: The First Encounter

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When Asuna woke up the next morning, she looked around and stretched before crawling out of bed and putting her outfit on for the day, she decided on black leggings with a white shirt and a light blue jean vest, she walked across the apartment to the bathroom and brushed her teeth and hair, then ate breakfast and grabbed her bag containing her laptop, grabbed her textbooks off the table and left.

Asuna walked towards the main campus building and pulled out her phone. She unlocked it and logged into the school website and was about to check her timetable when she heard a very loud voice.

"H-Hey watch out!"  The voice yelled.

She glanced up only to collide head first into a flying drone that was falling out of the sky. The impact nearly knocked her over but she stumbled back and held her forehead as she yelped in both suprise and pain.

"Oh shit... I"m so sorry! Are you okay?" The voice, who she now made out was a male voice, said as it got closer and closer until she saw a pair of shoes in her peripheral vision. "Yea...I think I'm okay." She responded as she lifted her gaze upwards. Her eyes widened slightly as she realized who was was reaching their hand out to help her.

"....Kazuto?" She questioned. Her heart nearly skipped a beat, she wasn't expecting to see him so suddenly.

His face twisted in slight confusion, and then turned slightly red as his eyes widened as well. "A-Asuna?" He responded. They both stared at each other for a moment until she broke the eye contact and smiled, accepting the hand he had held out for her. He broke out of his daze and pulled her off the ground. He squatted back down and picked up the books she had dropped and handed them to her with an embarrassed look on his face. "I didn't know you applied to this college" she said as she accepted the books from him. "Oh uh yea! I applied for Tech and Robotics to get ahead in VR Tech." He responded.

Asuna recalled Kazuto was always into math and sciences. "What are you studying?" He asked. She smiled again and held out her textbooks for him to see. "Business and Marketing, nothing fancy." She answered as she slid her backpack off her shoulder to put her textbooks safely inside. "Oh I see..." he said as he watched her stand back up. "I uh... I'm really sorry about the drone." He apologized again. Asuna waved her hand and shook her head. "Oh no its fine, it didn't hurt that bad. I'm more concerned about my head damaging your drone." She laughed softly and Kazuto smiled shyly in response. "Nah, it'll be fine, its a pretty solid bot."

Asuna smiled. "Its nice to see a familiar face here, I'll see you around okay?" Kazuto nodded and smiled back. "Ya, nice seeing you Asuna." He said with a wave.

Kazuto watched Asuna walk away and then he looked down at his drone and sighed to himself. "Kirito!" a voice called out to him, he turned around and greeted the voice. "Hey Eugeo." He responded to his blonde friend. "Come on we're gonna be late for class. I'm not getting kicked out of our lab because you're flirting." He teased. "H-hey! I was not flirting! I knew her from highschool, we were just talking." He responded.  Eugeo gave him a look and turned around to start walking to the tech building.


Asuna sat down in a seat in the middle of the classroom and looked around. There were a lot of people in her class, both male and female. The lecture hall was almost full.

Asuna thought about her encounter with Kazuto. She'd remembered him from highschool because she used to have quite the crush on him, thats why seeing him there so suddenly shocked her. Of course she was always too busy in her studies to pursue anything close to a relationship. But still, he hadn't changed much, he definitely got taller and his voice had dropped some, but other then that he seemed the same.

The Prof walked in, snapping Asuna out of her daze, she picked up her headset and turned it on and placed it on her head, and class began. Asuna opened her laptop and started typing notes and following along with the class.

"Can anyone tell me the different types of businesses?" The professor asked. The class was silent for a moment and then Asuna raised her hand. "Yes?" She stood up and answered the question.

"There are sole proprietor companies, that have only 1 person in charge, there are partnerships with two or more, and there are corporations with many people buying stocks into them." She answered. Everyone turned their heads to her and she looked away nervously. "Whats your name?" The prof asked. "Asuna sir, Asuna Yuki." The prof nodded, "well I can see you already have a hand in this kind of course." He said before he continued. Asuna sat back down.

The rest of the lecture was just going over businesses and the types of companies there are. The doors to the hall opened and Asuna noticed a girl with short brown hair walk in.

The professor raised an eyebrow at her and she bowed. "S-sorry sir... I had to get my timetable changed... I was accidentally put in the wrong class." She explained. "Its fine, in the future however you must wait until I let you in. Please find a seat."

The girl looked around the room and locked eyes with Asuna. She waved her over and the girl quietly walked down the stairs and sat beside Asuna.
"Hi, sorry for the intrusion." She said quietly. "Its fine, I'm Asuna, I'll send you a copy of the notes we took in class if you want them" Asuna responded. "That would be great, my name is Rika, my friends call me Liz." She said as she reached out to shake her hand. Asuna shook it and they continued through the rest of the class together.

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