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publishing headquarters, yonsei university.

"no, i quit!"

"jeno please! we don't have a substitute for you right now, so can you not resign?" the pink-haired boy gave jeno a look of despair, trying his best to lure him back.

the guy sighed. "this is so unfair. you know i'm weak when it comes to you! you're brainwashing me!"

the editor-in-chief, who is supposedly busy doing final revisions on their university paper, lets out a chuckle.

"jeno, i told you not to be blinded by sunoo. he's got a lot of victims already, don't add to the list."

sunoo glared at him. "shut up hoon. i'm trying to persuade our photographer to not leave the org, so close your mouth."

"let him leave if he wants to, i don't want to force people." sunghoon shrugs.

to be honest, a lot of students had already quit their organization, since it takes a lot of time and effort to publish university papers every month. it's a tough job, and basically no college student would be dumb enough to give themselves eternal suffering.

"alright, whatever." jeno gave up, putting his bag back inside the locker. "i'll find a replacement first before i leave."

sunoo grinned and hugged him. "yay! thank you so much, bub. i owe you one."

"then how about you date me-"

"oh would you look at the time!" sunoo rushed and grabbed his laptop on the table. "i still have a class, see you later!"

jeno was left speechless. he glanced at sunghoon, who witnessed how sunoo just ran away from him.

"we actually don't have a class right now," sunghoon looked at jeno with a blank expression. "bro, he's just not interested in you. better luck next time i guess."


hoon 📰 @parkwrites tweeted.

another day, another guy getting rejected by @sunscript 🤩☝️

another day, another guy getting rejected by @sunscript 🤩☝️

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726 likes | 24 retweets


@sunscript delete this right now 😄
↪@parkwrites pay me first 😄
@leejeno what did i even do to you
↪@parkwrites sorry bro, not my fault you got rejected
@cornjay damn another one? poor guy
@ning_ning this is why jeno can't leave the team, sunoo has him on a chokehold
↪@leejeno stfu 🤬🤬


"who is it this time?" jay grinned, putting his lunch tray beside sunghoon.

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