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sunghoon couldn't help but cuss when he sees sunoo running out of the corridor of the hospital, looking for someone.

ah, he'll definitely kill me.

he continues to walk, ignoring what he just saw. it's already past 6 in the evening and sunghoon wants to go home.

"hoon!" sunoo scrambles past the nurses, walking fast as he tried to catch up with sunghoon.

damn it, he saw me. "yeah? are you done talking to hee?" sunghoon puts on his smile, pretending that he didn't just see the guy running across the hall.

"uh, kind of? jake was there so i left them. i don't want to third wheel." sunoo stares at him, "where's riki?"

"who's that?"

sunoo's face remained blank. "don't bullshit me, sunghoon. where is he? i need to talk to him."

"well, he's not here anymore." he scratched the back of his neck.

"what? did he leave?"

"uhm.. maybe? honestly i don't know. just call him or something, make use of that technology you have."

before sunoo could speak again, he walked fast enough to escape his friend. sorry sun, nishimura is probably contemplating his life choices because of what i said.


[ riki 💫 ]

hey 😅
i couldn't find you here at the hospital, did you leave already?
i was planning on talking to you since we got interrupted back in the museum
can i? i just have smth to tell you
text me back if you read this, please?


[ sunoo's angels 🔫 ]

park sunghoon
did you do smth to riki?

he probably did

what? i didn't do anything tho 😕

then why did he just leave without telling me?
that's unusual for him
and he's not replying to my texts

i swear i don't know
i just went for a smoke and we talked
that's it

i bet your lungs crusty already

wanna see? i can open my chest cavity for you 😉

wtf ew

wow that's one way to check for lung cancer

what did you two talk about?

just ... stuff
random things yano

you? talking about random things? lmao you speak shit all the time
i'm pretty sure you pissed ni-ki off

ofc not!
i could never 🥺

you really are an asshole

i'm sure nishimura just had an emergency
he'll reply to you, don't worry about it

yeah i hope so too hyung

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