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"jay, pass!"

"fuck wait— i'm not going to make it!"

"just kick the goddamn ball!" jake yelled at jay before trying to watch over the opponent behind him.

jay managed to kick the ball towards the goal, and he yelled as the goalkeeper failed to block it— causing the ball to hit the net.

their coach blew the whistle, signalling the end of their practice game. jake closed his eyes as he finally feels the heat and pain all over his body. oh fuck this, i think i'm dying.

"15 minutes break everyone!" he heard their coach yell.

he grunted, sitting on the grass. i should've at least chosen a different sport other than this. jake brushed his hair up using his fingers, his sweat still dripping down on his face.

"dude, you look like shit." jake instantly knew jay's voice. the guy walks up to him, handling him a bottle of water that he gladly accepted.

jay sat beside him. "did you pull an all-nighter?"

"yeah, i had to finish the coding last night." jake pulls his hair, feeling frustrated. "but the thing is, i barely made half of it. i'm seriously fucked up."

his friend winced. jay is thankful that he's a fashion design major. "well, what can i help?"

jake raised an eyebrow at him. "obviously nothing. what do you even know about programming?" as he said that, a light bulb appeared on his mind.

that's such a great idea, jake. "you know nothing about it, but can you ask heeseung if he can help me?"

"oh hell not again," jay rolled his eyes. "just how many times do i have to act cupid for you?"

"oh come on! you're not even a great cupid. it doesn't seem to work on heeseung, and he's still cold to me."

well, he's not that cold to me since he already acknowledges my presence everytime, but still... there's no improvement. jake pouts, making jay look at him with disgust.

"if you do that face again i will punch you." jay wipes his own sweat using his face towel. "and i warned you, didn't i? heeseung's not interested in dating. he's a tree, he doesn't have feelings for other people."

"but i don't want to give him up..." jake sulks beside him. "he will definitely like me back, i'm sure of it."

jay stares at him, completely in awe of his friend's confidence. him and riki are definitely cousins— they both radiate the same stupid confidence.

he got a bit startled when jake wraps his arm around his shoulders, pulling him closer.

"anyways, that's not my priority right now. what i want you to do is to tell heeseung that i need help in programming. unless you want your best buddy to fail and not graduate, right?"

"but heeseung's..." jay's voice falters, he was having a hard time constructing his sentence.

jake stares back at him. "but what?"

but heeseung's still in love with someone else, and i don't want to see you in pain.

"nevermind. sure, i'll text him later." he gulps, averting his gaze somewhere else.

jake squeals in delight. "yay! i knew i could count on you!" he throws his body on jay, hugging him tight.

"wait— jake you shit!" jay holds jake by his waist as he loses his balance, both of them fell to the ground with a soft thud.

𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now