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lesson learned: do not, under any circumstance, confess to your senior.

chances are, you'll want to immediately transfer to a different university just so you could avoid the embarrassment that you'll probably carry all throughout your college experience.

i fucked up. not that i don't do stupid things- but this one just tops the list.

ni-ki paced back and forth, contemplating on whether he'll get inside the headquarters or not.

after the exhibit last friday, sunoo was still acting normal as if he's not even fazed by riki's sudden confession. but me, on the other hand- i wanted the ground to crack open and just swallow me whole so i could disappear.

he knew he was at fault for suddenly dropping that statement, but his tongue just slipped. he couldn't help it- everytime he looks at sunoo, he gets really nervous that he can't even control his mouth.

during the weekend, he couldn't function properly. he was supposed to meet hiyyih and jungwon to hang out, but riki just made an excuse that he's sick. he didn't want to go out. i just wanted to curl into the corner of my room and hide forever.

"ni-ki? why are you pulling your own hair?"

oh great. sunghoon is standing behind him, holding the key to the room. "how long have you been standing there? you look like you're having an existential crisis."

"ah, no- i'm just having a really bad headache."

sunghoon is still looking at him with doubt. "okay, well i hope it goes away soon." the older unlocks the door and gets inside while switching on the lights.

"sunoo told me about you." riki froze before he could enter the room. sunoo hyung told him? did he tell him about what happened? i know they're friends but-

"he said you did great at the exhibit. good job," sunghoon gave him another look before going back to organizing his desk.

oh, now i'm paranoid. "thanks, hyung."

"good morning!"

it didn't even take seconds for riki to realize whose voice was that. he looked up, hesitating to greet back.

"morning sun, you're not having coffee today?" sunghoon mentioned.

sunoo shook his head and went straight to his locker to get his books. ni-ki was still trying to look busy- he opened his laptop just to scroll on some random files.

"nope, because jay has hidden my stash of coffee and now i can't find it." the guy grabbed his books and quickly closed the locker.

"morning riki, busy day?" ni-ki seemed to have stopped moving when sunoo sat beside him.

"morning hyung, i'm just..." he closed his laptop and stood up abruptly. "i- i'm late for my class. bye!"

he almost tripped when he took his backpack and headed towards the door, running away from the guy who was giving him serious heart issues.


hoon 📰 @parkwrites tweeted.

what the hell did i just witnessed LMAO I DIDN'T KNOW WE HAD A SPRINTER IN OUR TEAM SJWJWKW

what the hell did i just witnessed LMAO I DIDN'T KNOW WE HAD A SPRINTER IN OUR TEAM SJWJWKW

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