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sunghoon is busy scrolling through netflix, seemingly confused on what to watch. it was another boring day for him inside his own unit apartment.

he stares at the clock attached on the wall. one hour left...

he snickers when he hears the sound of his door bell ring, a sign that someone is outside his apartment. he came earlier today, huh.

sunghoon walks to the door, opening it with a devilish grin on his face.

"i thought you're not coming h-" he stops his mouth from saying anything when he sees who's behind the door.


ah, crap. he stares at the boy in front of him who looks like a mess. sunghoon quickly pulls him inside his unit, letting him sit on the couch.

he scrambles into the kitchen to get a cup of lukewarm water for the guy. when he came back into the living room, sunoo is still seated- his hands shaking as he sobs quietly.

"sun, calm down for a second..." sunghoon kneels in front of him, his hand rubbing sunoo's back. "drink some water first, okay?"

how did he even get here in this state? and what the hell happened?

sunoo shakes his head, but sunghoon held the cup in front of his face. "drink, or else you'll dehydrate yourself."

the boy obliged, drinking the water. after a few minutes, sunoo finally calmed himself. sunghoon sits close to his side while brushing his disheveled hair.

"....tell me what happened."

it wasn't a question nor a request. sunghoon's voice was firm, a sign that he's serious to know the very reason that sunoo's crying.

"h-he..." sunoo tries to say with a shaky tone. "he doesn't want to be with m-me, hoon. i hurt him, and now he's just slipping through my fingers..."

realization hits sunghoon.

i was just messing with nishimura, trying to see if he's really determined or not... but i guess my words got inside his head this time.

"why do people say they love me, but can't even stay? why do they always leave?"

sunoo's words struck him. it wasn't the first time that sunoo cried in front of him, and it wasn't the first time that he got his heart broken.

however, this time- it's different.

his friend looks more .... torn apart. it's like sunghoon is seeing sunoo being ripped into pieces, unable to fight back.

it's the first time i regretted butting into people's business.

"i kept holding on to the wrong person, that i actually let go of the only one who truly cares for me..." sunoo sobs again, "h-how do i fix this? what do i have to do?"

his voice croaked. he looks so exhausted.

sunghoon shakes his head. "you can't fix everything, sun. if you force it, you'll only hurt yourself in the process."

it was like this, too. when sunoo and heeseung broke up, he tried to fix their friendship- not knowing that it's not gonna go back to the way it was before.

sunoo was too scared that his best friend will leave him, so he tried everything to make it work again. telling himself that being friends was fine and that it wouldn't hurt.

but it did. it hurt them like hell, and i watched it all happen before my eyes.

and now, it's happening again.

𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now